It All Started With Ben & Jerry's

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Book Title: It All Started With Ben & Jerry's

 By: marshmalum

Summary: Adelie Mendez was determined to survive her freshman year in college with three of the most important things a girl could ever need: her laptop, her guitar, and the Ben & Jerry's parlor three blocks away from campus. Jared Fletcher barely passed his last three years of college. He prefers being deaf by blasting music through his headphones than reading a sentence in a book. He stumbles across Ben & Jerry's by chance, and discovers a new way to stay sane. This is a tale of two socially-awkward students relying on each other to survive college, all because of a fortunate encounter at Ben & Jerry's


1. I was inspired to write this because of a) my love for Ben & Jerry's ice cream (obviously) and b) my relationship with a close friend in the opposite gender

2. Adelie, Jarelle, and Jared are all names of some pretty rad family friends!

3. All I really want is for people in the Wattpad community to read my book and realize that you don't need to be romantically involved in order to love each other. The book also discusses some issues over independence and family, so I hope others can learn a little something about that.

4. The biggest roadblock is probably staying true to each characters' personalities. All of them are so different, it gets a little difficult!

5. The genres are romance and teen fiction.

6. Rainbow Rowell (author of Fangirl and Eleanor & Park) is my favorite author as of now, and she inspired most of B&J's.

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