The Demon's Blade

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Book Title: The Demon's Blade

 By: Bensonary

 Summary: Sixteen year old demonslayer Derek Fenelly gets his whole life turned upside down when his father unknowingly marries a vampire. He finds out that there are more to the faeries and fey as he goes on...


1. It was really the myths and legends that made me thought about what would happen if they were real.

2. No reason, though a friend had suggested several characters, one I managed to sneak into the book.

3. I simply hope to get tons of readers and possibly get it published one day.

4. Sometimes, I find myself facing the infamous writer's block, and other times I simply do not find the time to write my ideas down, thus forgetting them.

5. Fantasy, hopefully Adventure

6.There is a whole bunch of them, but the ones I would say who really got me going are Brandon Mull, Cinda Williams Chima, and A.P Kensey.

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