Something for Keeps

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Title: Something for Keeps

By: Jane Harris (my pen name)

Summary: With something that starts with pretense, Hazel finds herself feeling newer feelings each day. Her mind set on her belief that nothing lasts, and everything leaves, she tumbles across a man who wants her to believe the exact opposite, someone who claims to have found the love of his life. Will Hazel find something that lasts? Something for keeps?


1. I found inspiration in the lies that people put up with each other about their statuses and about their personalities. It is always amusing to see to what lengths would a person go to protect their lies. And also, it used to be my own belief that nothing lasts with you, and had found myself finding out newer truths. So I based my book upon these.

2. Not much special reason. My friends helped me suggest the names of my characters. And the suggested names had somewhat suited the characters so that is what I decided upon.

3. There is a little piece of my own self in this book. I wanted to share this with others, in a more fictional and more amusing form. It might be just a simple book, but I like the fact that someone might be enjoying my nook right now, and would temporarily forget their everyday dilemmas.

4. My book is still "under construction". And yes I often face a writers block. But I always manage to produce a good enough chapter for my book.

5. Mainly Chick-lit, since that is my favorite genre.

6. Meg Cabot is my inspiration. She is my all-time favorite author.

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