Protected Slaves

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Book Title: Protected Slaves

By: Natasha Seiler (TashiJean)

Summary: The world as you once knew it is gone. The beautiful parks where your parents used to take you are gone and in its place are barren places with grass that comes up to your waist. The old, beautiful buildings are crumpling a part. All of them except for those in the Protected Zone, those buildings are still up and running so that we can be safe. But I don't even know if safe is the right word I'm looking for.

 Welcome to Tutis Mancipium a place that offers safety from the new world that has been created but there is one teenage girl that's disagrees with the system the Officials have created. Rayla Westgate is left alone in this new world without the only person she had left. Her mother. Rayla is determined to find her and bring her to the Protected Zone of this new city but the Officials have a plan to stop her. Every turn is filled with danger for Rayla as she enters the Restricted Zone and the Officials start their hunt for the one girl that could ring their world to a pile of ashes.


 1. I was bored in class one day and my mind began to wander. I eventually came up with the idea of Protected Slaves.

 2. I called Miles, 'Miles' because of his athletic ability. There isn't any other special reasons for names.

3.  With the book I wish to achieve recognition from other writers.

4. So far I haven't experienced any roadblocks and I think it's due to the planning I did.

5. Protected Slaves can be found under the Action category.

6. The authors that inspire me are Amanda Hocking, Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth.

Wattpads must reads!!!! (Undiscovered gems)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ