4. More Arguments

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"Okay??" my dad said confused.

"We're going to go for a walk...." I said standing up.

My dad just stayed there looking at us confused as we walked to the door.

Eric just looked at me and took me in for a hug. I pulled away from the hug by the sound of the door bell ringing. I quickly made my way over to it and opened it.

"Aideen!" I said hugging him right away.

"Woah are you okay?" he asked as he released me.

"It's been a long morning."

"Nicole who's at the door?" Eric said appearing behind me. "ohh......"

Eric's POV.

"Eric." he said forcing a smile.

"That's me." I said not bothering to say hello to him or anything.

"I'm so happy you're here." Nicole told him. That just made me mad because it was like saying I wasn't good enough for her right now.

"Why what's going on?" he asked grabbing her hand.

I tensed up as I saw him touch her. No matter if hes a better person or not, I didn't want him close.

"Oh nothing I'll just talk about it later with you." Nicole told him.

"We're pregnant." I said pulling Nicole to me.

"Gosh Eric can you not turn on your jealous mode right now? He's just my friend." Nicole said getting away from my hold.

"Is he being serious right now?" Aideen asked.

"How do you expect me to not be jealous? He's your ex boyfriend!" I said ignoring what ever Aideen asked.

"A baby?" he said confused.

"Gosh you don't own me! I can talk to who ever I want to! He's been here longer then you have!!!" she yelled at me.

"Well I came back didn't I?!?" I said yelling back at her.

"Well maybe you should have just stayed over there!! Maybe like that all of this wouldn't be happening right now..." she said.

"You guys calm down. Ill just get going, I don't want to cause a problem...." Aideen said.

"You're still here?!" I asked looking at him. I could feel my blood boiling from Nicole's words.

"Eric leave...." Nicole said looking away from me.

"What!?!" I said confused.

"If anyone is leaving it's going to be you not Aideen...."

I looked at her but she wouldn't look at me. She was just standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

Why would she ask me to leave? How could she prefer him over me?!

"Whatever, I'm out of here." I said walking away. Aideen was just there looking at me walk away.

By the time I got in my car, he was taking her in for a hug and he was looking my way. I gripped on the steering wheel as I saw him move his hand up and down her back.

Once I got home I went inside I slammed the door and kicked the first thing I saw which was a chair.

"Who is making all the noise?" my mom said walking to where I was.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said pacing back and forth.

"You slammed my door, I think I deserve an explanation."

I let out a deep breath. "Nicole. That's the reason I'm like this." I said resting my back on a wall and sliding down to the floor.

"What happened? You two were happy as can be the other day." my mom said taking a seat next to me.

"Key word 'other day' right now she just kicked me out of her house. She picked Aideen over me."

"Picked Aideen over you?" she asked confused.

"I got jealous he was there and she said all these things and that just got me more mad."

"Oh honey, that's why you're like this? I'm sure by tomorrow you two will be as if nothing happened."

"That's not all though........ there's other things going on too." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Like?" she said looking at my eyes.

"Nicole....... Nicole...shes pregnant." If Nicole wasn't ready to tell her parents, I wasn't going to keep it from my mom.

"I'm sorry what?" my dad said walking in on us.

"I got Nicole pregnant."

Silence filled the room. I was growing more inpatient every passing minute.

I looked over at my dad who was looking down while he rubbed his forehead. My mom just looked confused.

"Are you two positive about this?" my dad finally said.


"Well I'm not going to tell you what to do. If you got Nicole pregnant then you're old enough to know what to do."

"You aren't going to tell me anything else?" I said standing up again.

"You're an adult, maybe you aren't ready to be a father but you're old enough to know what's best."

I would have thought my dad would have said something else, but I get why he told me this. Yes maybe we are still young but it's not the first time someone gets pregnant at 22.


Who saw that coming?!? :O

Who likes the fact that Aideen is back in the picture?

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Together (Sequel to Split in Half)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora