Shivaay and Annika shopping 😙

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That night, Annika sleeps on bed and shivaay sleeps on the sofa. He prays hard not to fall on the ground.  He calls Samar and says he can't be to hospital as he has an emergency work to do.
Shivaay, Annika And Dadi have their breakfast. Wile having breakfast they are chatting among each other.
Annika: Dadi, hows ur health? Feeling tired yet Dadi? Any pain?

Dadi: no puthar . Now I am okay . Getting recover. Just that slightly paining not very serious aching.

Shivaay: Dadi, that's because of the heart attack consequences. Slowly, u will feel better Dadi. But, keep taking the medicines.

Annika: haan Dadi, don't forget to take medicines. Don't give us excuses that u are tired of eating medicines. Now all you have to do is to take enough rest Dadi.

Annika: btw, shivaay, when are you going to cook for us? Waiting for you to cook us a delicious breakfast.

Shivaay gets stunned to hear that sudden request form Annika. That's really strange for him, because Annika still remember about Dadi's comment .

Shivaay: haan. One day soon. Annika , today we will be going to shopping. And I will show you some routes to go in Mumbai so that it will be easier for you to access the routes when you wanted to drive.

Annika: today ?

Shivaay: haan why?

Annika: u said u would bring on an off day right? That off day is today?

Shivaay: yes. It's today. I forgot to check yesterday. Just Samar confirmed. So, get ready by 9.30am, we can move out.

Dadi feels happy to see finally Billu is doing and caring for Annika. They both start to have good rapport of relationship between each other. There are many changes between them compared to the first day.atleast now both of them get along each other. Annika is talking to Shivaay with good manner. Shivaay who keeps mum or prefer to be silent then days , now he is having conversation with Annika. Dadi feels after 2 years, shivaay has spoken long words with Annika. She prays the best thing to happen with them.

Annika: Dadi , are u coming as well?

Shivaay: yes Dadi, u can join. Otherwise, u feel like caged inside.

Dadi: nahi puttar. I will be feeling drowsy and tired after having medicine . So you both carry on.

Annika gets ready in her room. Somehow she feels excited because it's her first outing with shivaay. Because yesterday she was in a clumsy state and that too in a messy state!

Shivaay: are you ready then?

Annika: yes . Chalo.

Annika feels so excited which is unknowingly to sit beside shivaay and to drive with him for a long drive . Annika has a bad habit that she hates to wear seat beats when she drives in a car. Shivaay looks weird on her , she looks at Shivaay and lift up her eye brows.
Shivaay: Annika, u didn't fasten the belt?

Annika: errr... I don't like to fasten the belt actually. But, no worries I will fasten it now.
Annika pulls the belt, but it gets stuck. She feels scare and hesitate to pull it more tightly because it's shivaay's car. So she doesn't want to pull any more. Shivaay sees her awkwardness in fastening the belt.

Shivaay: what happen?
Annika: can I just don't fasten the belt?
Shivaay: but it's for safety.
Annika: then you drive slowly. Don't be so fast and step jerky brakes.

Shivaay: Annika, but what's the problem in fastening the belt? Like ofcourse I follow the speed rules but doesn't mean u don't have wear seat belt.
Annika: but... shivaay, the belt is tighten. It's hard to pull it . So, I scare to pull it harshly.

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