Chapter 6

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After being in the hospital for nearly a week in a half, and the second time within a month, I was going home. Skylar was coming to pick me up. The nurse wheeled me out in a wheelchair. "I hope you feel better Mr. Holland." She smiled.

I beamed a smile towards her. "Thanks."

Skylar was outside. She waited by the door. I got up from the chair and pulled her into a hug. I breathed in that familiar scent. Skylar pulled away. A small smile formed on her lips. "Let's get you home." Skylar started walking towards her car. But there was something different. That's when I noticed a bruise just above the crook in her arm.

"What happened to your arm?" I mentioned.

"Nothing." She shrugged. But I could tell something wasn't right.

For now, I wasn't going to say anything else. We got to Skylar's car and both slid in. The second she turned the car on, rock music blared through the stereo. The change she's had is new. And I like it a lot. When we were in high school, she was big in to trends. Now she was herself. And I wasn't complaining. We pulled out of the hospital's parking lot and made our way back to my house.

We arrived at my house. Skylar shut the car off and I just stayed in my spot. I had a bad feeling about this. I don't know what it was. Skylar's hand rested on my knee. "Are you okay?"

I looked in her direction. "Yeah. I should be."

She nods and get out of the car. I do the same. We walk through the front door and no one was to be found. I walked up to my room and the memories from that night still haunt me. I wanted to give up so bad. But it wasn't worth it. I sat down on the bed. Skylar followed in shortly after. She sat next to me.

"Nothing's ever gonna be the same." I whispered, barely audible.

"Don't say that." She grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. "I know these past few years have got to be the worst, but don't give up. I don't want you to leave again."

I sighed and shook my head. "I won't leave again." I pulled her into a tight embrace. Running a hand up and down her back, I attempted to relax her. There was a knock at the front door. I pulled away from Skylar and headed downstairs. Skylar was close behind me. I looked through the glass of the front door. A police officer stood on the front porch. I opened the door and stepped onto the porch.

"How may I help you officer?" I asked calmly, although fear was running through my veins.

"Are you Jason Holland?" He asked with sternness in his voice.

"Yes sir. I am." I was uneasy. My palms were sweating profusely.

"I'd like to ask you a few questions about your disappearance."

I nod. I opened the door wide enough for the officer to come in. He walked over to the couch and sat down. A wave of uneasiness washed over me. There was so much I don't know want to remember. Skylar sat down next to me. She rested her hand on my knee. The officer went on with his questions. I tried to remember everything, even though I blacked almost everything out. A question came up and threw me off. "Were there any physical encounters?"

My breath hitched in my throat. I looked towards Skylar over my shoulder. "Like what?"

"Could be anything from a fight to sexual assault."

A defeated sigh escaped my lips. "A lot happened. I don't remember much." And so, I told him all that I could remember. I looked over towards Skylar when I was done. Tears were trickling down her face.

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