Chapter 2

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Present Day

Somehow, I made it. I don't know how. But I did. I am out in the day light. These creeps will get me if I stop. I have no idea where I am. I have no idea how close the next town is. Ahead of me appeared to be a road. A smile formed on my face. There was a sudden gun shot that rang out. I felt a white-hot flash run through my arm. I hissed in pain. Taking a quick glance over my shoulder, I took off running again. I made it to the road. The men weren't behind me anymore. I heard an engine in the distance. I'm closer to home. The car came into view. They were slowing down. The car came to a stop and the driver got out.

"Holy shit. Are you okay?" The driver got out.

"Not quite. Listen, how far is Portshaw, Maine from here?"

"At least a couple hours drive. You need a hospital kid. You're not looking so great."

With that, I lost my balance. The man rushed over and helped me up. He helped me over to his car and got me in the passenger seat. Any sudden move caused me to cry out in pain. This must be the adrenaline finally wearing off. "I'm taking you to a hospital."

The man went to the driver's side and got in. He picked up his phone and called someone. My eyes were fighting to stay open. My head rested against the glass and I fell into a deep sleep.

I heard a beeping noise coming from somewhere behind me. I tried to open my eyes, but the bright light blinded me. My eyes shot closed. A door opened from somewhere in the room. "Mr. Holland?"

My eyes opened and I looked towards the voice. The man appeared to be a doctor. He walked to the end of the bed and grabbed a clipboard. The doctor asked me a few questions like what my name is and what happened in the last twenty-four hours to make sure I don't have any brain injuries. I passed that test. The doctor went over some thing's they noticed when I was brought in. The door opened and two men came in. They were wearing police uniforms.

My heart rate quickened. Someone else walked in. He was wearing a suit and had a badge clipped to his belt loop. They were going to ask me questions right after I wake up? That's the stupidest thing I've heard of. "Doctor Edmonds, if you don't mind, we'd like to ask Jason a couple questions."

Doctor Edmonds nodded and left. The detective pulled a chair up and sat down. He started out by asking what happened the night of my disappearance. Then what I remember from being kept away. After he was finished, I asked him how he found me. Someone from the hospital called him. News is going to get out about this. That means my mom will know I'm alive. The detective and the officers left. I was now left alone with my thoughts. All I heard was beeping of the heart rate machine. Doctor Edmonds came back into the room. "There is one more visitor here for you."

As if on cue, the door opened. I would've never thought I'd see her again.

"Hi Jason." The person walked up. Tears were falling down her face.

"Hey Mom." She pulled me into a hug.

She couldn't stop crying. She was so happy to see her only son alive. I ran a hand up and down her back. When Mom pulled away she sat down. She caressed my face. "Jason," the doctor started. "We're gonna run a couple of tests to ensure nothing is wrong."

I nod. "Thank you."

Doctor Edmonds smiled. He left. Mom let out a deep sigh. "You don't know how happy I am to see that you're alive and well."

She let out a smile. I grabbed her hand. A nurse came in. "Mrs. Holland, we're gonna go run a few scans."

Mom smiled. "Okay." The nurse helped me up. She brought over a wheelchair and I sat down. "Love you Jason."

"Love you too."

Just those small movements made me want to scream in pain. Instead, I just bit my tongue. The nurse wheeled me out of the room. We went to a room with some sort of machine. I was helped up on a bed. "You have to stay as still as possible. We'll come and get you when the scan is done."

There was just lights around me. I didn't have much to look at. So instead, I closed my eyes. I must've fallen into a light sleep because I was feeling the table being pulled out of the machine. It took a minute to adjust to the dim lights outside of the machine. I saw the nurse come over and helped me into the wheelchair. We went back to my room and my mom was still sitting in the same spot. She looked over her shoulder. I got back into the bed.

The nurse told my mom we'd get the tests back within a day. The nurse left. I asked Mom how Skylar was. "She's doing well." She responded with a smile. There was a knock at the door. It was my dad. He walked over and rested a hand on Mom's shoulder.

"Hey son." He smiled. "Welcome home."

Dad pulled me into an awkward hug. He was so tall that he had to bend down to an uncomfortable height. "Thanks Dad." I smiled.

He stepped back. I never thought I'd see the day where I get to see my parents again. For the longest time I thought I was a dead man. A sudden feeling of tears hit my eyes. This feeling was all too real. But it was. It was real. My parents are here. I'm alive. And some how I made it out alive. This is the start. This is the start of getting my life back on track.

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