Hurtful love

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⚠️ ‼️Warning! Warning! This story will contain AkashixOC! The OC is the antagonist of this story! She is the b**ch of this story. Everyone gonna want to kill her. So if ur one of those OC fan with Akashi um don't read this.

There will also be a lot of hurt! Kuroko is gonna suffer which yeah...this is a story I already planned out already. I warned ya. ‼️⚠️

A man with blue hair and blue eyes age 20 exhales the smoke in a slow and steady stream. He hold the cigarette between his finger and looked at a unknown man naked next to him.

He looked at the table that had $300 cash. He picked it up and picked up all his clothes on the floor.

He putted he money in his bag and left the room not looking back.

He walked though the city with a brown leather jacket on. He looked up at the sky that looked so dark with the moon out. Christmas lights lighting the darkness in the street.

His name was Kuroko Tetsuya. He was a prostitute who sell his body for money. He used to love someone but that person betrayed him by playing with his heart.

Kuroko touched his stomach of a scar where a life use to be in.

-Kuroko flashback-
"This child is mine! You filthyslut! You have done your job now get out of this house!" A women with long curly blonde hair said.

Kuroko screamed as they took away the sleeping small baby wrapped in a blanket away from him.


Kuroko ran toward his lover room. He was about to enter the room but stop.

"Seijuro we finally had a child." The blonde women said.

"Yeah..." Seijuro Said.

Akashi watched as the couple were closed together holding onto his child.

"You finally slept with that slut. It must have been fun playing with him. We finally accomplished our goal. With him gone now, we can finally be a family." She kissed Akashi in the lips.

"Yeah He was a slut. A idiot." Akashi Said

Kuroko eyes widen. Tears fell from his eyes.

"But.." Before Akashi could finished the door creaked open.

They both turned to the noise.

"Tetsuya..." Akashi called out his name.

-Flashback End-

Kuroko clicked his tongue as memories came back to him. It's been a long time since he thought of those.

He quickly pulled out a cigarette and lighter. Just as he was about to light it up someone bump into him making him drop the lighter.

"Hey!" Kuroko looked down and his eyes widen.

Kuroko felt his breath stop when he saw a small little boy with red hair and heterochromatic eyes.

"It can't be..." Kuroko thought.

"Seiji!" A voice shouted.

Kuroko was met with red and blue heterochromatic eyes.

Kuroko was met with red and blue heterochromatic eyes

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Hurtful loveWhere stories live. Discover now