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Libby Tate, I'm 23yrs old
I'm 175cm tall,slightly tanned
Green eyes ,brown waves hair and have a gorgeous tone body.
I like to wear stylish fashion.

6:30am phone rings," Hello Libby Tate speaking"  a detective calls her saying her parents were involved in a tragic incident .  not far. from there home in Crystal Lakes.

" Mam are you there",replied Police officer.

Libby went silent and numb..

"Yes I am here, how did they die? Asked Libby. 

They told Libby that the brakes on the car had fail , they'd went off the side of the cliff.
The detective said to Libby, "we need you too come to Crystal Lakes make arrangements to identify the bodies,  before we can release them to the funeral parlour.

" thank you for contacting me, as Libby spoke softly into the phone. She hung up , her body was trembling, she collapsed onto the floor, hyperventilating, she can't control her breathing,  she breaks down and cries.

The next day, Libby booked a plane flight to Crystal Lakes " 1 way ticket please, she grab her belongings and sat on the chair until she had to board the plane. A stranger sat opposite of her also waiting for his trip home to Crystal Lakes. The stranger started talking to her
" You on ya way to Crystal Lakes, Pretty lady " Yes replied Libby.
The stranger said to her.

" I haven't been back there for 5 years ,I've been in war combat" she looks up and god dam he is cute, but at the same time he had a stareing evilness smile, she thought to herself that's creepy..

A announcement echoed through the airport," Now boarding 777 to Crystal Lakes," that's me, which sit are you in. I travel in first class,sorry, " that's alright, may see you after we land , " maybe .? "I've got 2 much on. " What's your name ,Libby Tate ,
" I'm Drake...
They'd  boarded, flew and landed at the Airport in Crystal Lakes. Libby got off quick and got her bags and got an taxi to her parents home.

 "Where too love ", said the taxi driver, "168 Forest cove, thank you"
Libby sat quite in the back seat of the taxi, and sobbed.
"Are you Maggie and Steve Tates daughter?

" Yes I am " ,replied Libby

" Did you know my Parents? " they were well known in Crystal Lakes ,"   Your parents worked at the local high school ,just out of town.They were lovely people " Sorry for your loss Libby," thank you ... . 

They followed the road to an corner, down the gravel driveway, through the forest and Libby saw her parents estate. It was a 2 storey house. It was blue ,with white window beams, and a beautiful garden. That's $15.60 Libby, she handed the taxi driver a $ 20 , keep the change. She got her bags out of the taxi and walked up to the front porch.. There was a letter attached to the wooden door .

To Libby;
she opened the envelope and there was a key to open up the house.

She walked in and put her bags down, looked around,and cried softly. Walking through her parents house, remembering the memories she had, when growing up.
Later that evening, Libby curls up on the sofa and falls asleep.

The next day she walked into town,to start organising her parents funeral,she decide on 2 white coffins with silver trimmings and red and white roses to sit on top ,on their coffins ,while they were layer to rest. She put an enoucement in the Local newspaper.

Friday 2nd November @ 2 pm the funeral of Maggie and Steve Tate will be burried at Crystal Lakes Cemetery  ,
all are welcome to attend.

She walked home and saw the same guy from the airport ,she kept on hello, nothing. Drake followed her to her home, but not to closely,he kept his distance, she didn't even notice that he was stalking her. Drake watched her enter her house and close the front door, he got a little closer to the side of the house, than he saw a light turn on upstairs,and also heard the shower run.

"I need a good view ",so he climbed a tree to spy on Libby .

"I need a camera to zoom in on Libby, she wouldn't expect anything.

Drake climbed down the tree. Libby got out of the shower, dried herself off ,walked over to her draws pulled out a black pair of panties and slip them on, she walked out of her room and down the staircase,grabbed a bottle of red wine and went back upstairs. She sat on her bed, and drank the whole bottle of red wine. Libby passed out.

The next morning, Libby sat up to quickly " Oh My Head",and looked at the time, Holy crap !!
11am,  Friday 2nd November "The funeral starts in 2.5 hours.

Libby went to the wardrobe to look for a black dress and heels, This will make do. Libby quickly had a shower got dressed,put on makeup,combed her hair, ran down stairs to get something to eat and cup of coffee. She rang for a taxi to pick her up from her place to the cemetery at 1:30pm. The taxi arrived a bit earlier and took her too the cemetery, there were a lot of people there to say their good byes .
The Revan spoke, people cried. The funeral was short and nice. Libby stood up ,took 2 roses and throw them into the grave hole,other friends followed suite. A friend of Libby's came up to her and hugged her tight, " it's gonna be alright,I'm here for you.
Libby wiped a tear from her face, thank you for coming to my parents service..Elena.
There was no wake after the service,so Libby returned home,to pack her parents belongings into boxes,and store them in another room.

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