Chapter 20

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This morning I couldn't be more happier than I am right now to be waking up in my fiance's arms. He is so handsome when he sleeps and can't wait until he is my husband and I'm his wife. I love him so much... Not wanting to wake him up I try to get up and go to the bathroom to do my morning hygiene. As soon as I moved his grip grew tight around me. Where are you going? I'm going to the bathroom then I'm going to check on Jeremiah. You go on to the bathroom. I'll go get the baby. Ok by the time your done with him I'll be downstairs in the kitchen. I kissed my lover and went to shower and brush then headed downstairs. It wasn't to long until my men joined me. Oh look at mommy's little man. He made a little noise showing that he noticed me. My homey was feeding him his bottle. I kissed his little nose. Say yep mommy I'm dressed and daddy's feeding me my food. Speaking of food what's for dinner mama. I'm making omletes your favorite. Hmmm I love you he said kissing me. I love you too baby. Good morning baby girl my parents said walking into the kitchen. Good morning little one I see you've already got your breakfast. Mom he is not gone pay you no mins until he's done. I see I wonder were he's got that from. Haha hey daddy how'd you sleep. Oh like a baby actually. We only had to get up maybe twice to check on Baby jeremiah. Yeah he was no trouble at all. That's good he's usually no trouble at night. Just when he needs to be changed or he's hungry. Prince finished feeding and burping him then handed him to my mother. I finished cooking the omletes, sliced up some fruit and decided to make biscuits. I poured everyone some juice and put the food out on the table. So baby when do you want to have the wedding. I'm thinking in a few weeks before fall I want to have a summer wedding. Maybe July 15. Sounds perfect to me. It's so soon sweety you sure you don't want to wait until next your. Nope I'd marry him tomorrow if I could. He kissed my hand and smiled at me. Well if that's the case I'm going to help you plan the wedding. Oh mom thank you. I want it to be small just close friends and family but beaitiful. Your welcome sweety and I agree. Well I guess I'll go get dressed and meet you downstairs in an hour baby girl we have to go pick out your dress. Yess I'll meet you in an hour mom. Oh this is going to be fun I'm so excited. Well since you girls are going dress shopping. Dad, Jeremiah, and I will go look at tuxedos. Sounds good to me it'll ask give me a chance to get to know Prince and Jeremiah a little more. Perfect them we'll meet back here for dinner later. Sounds like a good idea to me mama. An hour later we all went to our destinations and was one step closer to building out future together as a family. Life couldn't get any better than this.

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