A yelp of surprise sounded from his mouth as he released his hold on my neck. My back collided with the ground fully while relief flooded through me along with the pain of my newly acquired injuries.

        "A fucking bite to the goddamn ear makes you stop? You're such a little bitch," I spat, pressing my hands against my neck. Shane had pulled away from me, but he still stood over my body. Looking down at me, his wolf eyes began to widen as he took in my state. His body began to jerk sudden, twisting and turning until he was on top of me as a human.

        Butt naked, might I add.

        "Put some clothes on, you dog!" I shouted weakly. After all while he was killing the rogue, I had been bleeding out on the forest ground for quite some time now. The more I thought about it, the more appealing a nap sounded to me.

        Shane's warm hands pressed against my cheeks, forcing me to look into his eyes, "did I do this?" I nodded meekly. "Oh god Terra, I swear I didn't mean to. I lost control, I'm sorry." He whispered as his eyes raked across my skimpily dressed body to finally settle on my legs.

        Not giving me another word, he stood up abruptly. I shut my eyes tightly when his manhood started coming into view. Arms wrapped around my legs and back before hauling me up against a smooth, chiseled chest. Involuntarily I snuggled towards it.

        "Goodnight, booboo bear." I yawned. My eyes remained close as unconsciousness began to peek through. Shane began saying something, but I quickly faded out just as I felt our speed pick up.



        "Listen baby, I know this hurts right now but after we pop the shoulder back into place it's going to hurt a lot less. I promise."


        I guess I should explain.

        When I woke up, my eyes had opened up to a white ceiling along with a heart monitor thumping quietly beside the hospital bed I was in. Shane came storming into the room shortly after I had woken up and engulfed me into a tight hug.

        He obviously doesn't understand the basic concept of pain that normally accompanies injuries.

        After him and I argued about his anger issues, a doctor with a kind smile had walked in causing us to quit our banter. He briefly explained to me that the puncture wounds on my legs would definitely leave a scar with how deep they were, but they would heal like normal except that it would take a few weeks. My neck had an abundance of gauze and bandages wrapped around it plus where Shane's paws had struck me, bruises were already spreading slowly across my skin. The last thing was my shoulder which he told me that it was dislocated and had some internal bleeding around the soft tissue that had been but when the bone had popped out of place. The process of putting it back into place was going to be more painful than usual.

        So here I am being pinned down by Shane against the wall while he holds my injured arm with a firm grip. I wasn't exactly too keen on the idea of shoving a bone into another bone. The arm was already hurting like a son of gun and Shane manhandling it didn't help much either.

        As I began to open my mouth to shout another sentence full of profanities directed towards Shane, the doctor crossed the room with unbelievable speed. Without further hesitation, he removed Shane's hand from my arm and swiftly popped the bone back into place.

        Tears of pain began to pool in my eyes which caused Shane to wrap his arms around me. The doctor looked at me apologetically before he turned on his heel and left the room.

        "Get your arms off of me, nerd," I choked out. His hold on me only tightened causing me to wince in pain. My legs were okay to walk on, but I had been hyped up on anger that I didn't even think about them when I had crossed the room to beat the crap out of Shane earlier. "Why does my boyfriend have to be a fucking werewolf?" I groaned.

        "Did you finally call me your boyfriend?" Pulling back long enough for me to look at his face, I groaned even louder once I saw the ecstatic look in his eyes.

        "You heard me wrong. I said, 'why does my toy thread have to be in a trucking gear gulf'. Totally different concept."

        "That made no sense." He pointed out.

        "You know Shane, I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship and all." I sighed exasperatedly, looking away from him, "I'm not the kind of girl that gets tied down. Plus, I don't date guys that are werewolves and have anger issues. I prefer to stick to my one night stands with random guys I meet at bars."

        "You aren't 21 yet." Shane's body pressed against mine, sending tingles throughout my body. For some odd reason, I wasn't as mad at him like I should be for turning on me like that earlier. He had explained to me afterwards that it's easy for him to lose control and that his Wolf had been still pissed at the rogue. After all, the only thing he smelt was blood and the rogue; my scent had been covered up by the two.

        Everybody makes mistakes. Especially after seeing the broken look in his eyes, I felt my heart break slightly at the pain that filtered throughout his features.

        "Fake I.D." I teased, grinning up at him. With a growl of frustration, he pressed his lips firmly to mine.

 A/N: Sorry guys! School is getting pretty hectic even though it's only the first week. Being a senior sucks sometimes. *Sigh* Anways, I'm not sure when the next update will be, but hopefully it'll be like Friday night. That's what I'm aiming for anyways.

Thank you for reading!(:

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