"Look," you start in a begging tone, "I don't know what this is about. But, I don't know anything. Please, just let me go," you plead, now more dramatically, as you tug on the rope binding your wrists.

The man considers for a moment, "I would, but you're just too important to my plan. Plus, don't you wanna hear what I have to tell you about your boy toy? Hmm?"

You sigh, frustrated and scared. This is going nowhere. You have no idea what this man is capable of. Even more, if he's right and Mac somehow knows where you are, what would this malicious man do to him once he got there? Your head begins to spin with a million thoughts...

*** A few hours later***

"I don't understand" you state blankly. "I just don't understand."

"This is the Phoenix Foundation - the real Phoenix Foundation. We aren't really a Think Tank, that's just our cover," director Matty Webber explains. "We are a specialized, top-secret government organization."

As you try to process this information, you conclude, "So kind of like the CIA?"

"In a sense," Matty admits. "Except we're the ones you call when the CIA can't help you," she adds to your conclusion.

"Hold on, so let me get this straight." You stand up slowly, shaking your head in disbelief. "All of you: Bozer, Jack, Riley, Mac, you're all secret government spies?!"

"If that's what you want to label it then yes," Matty answers plainly.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," you say covering your mouth and sitting back in your chair across from Matty's desk.

"Look, Y/N," Matty tells you in a calming, sympathetic tone. "You're still recovering from what happened earlier, and I know this is a lot to process, especially after everything you just experienced. I'll give you some time to think about it all."

Matty stands to leave the room as you stare blankly into mid air. Before she leaves, she continues, "Y/N," you turn your head toward her as she says this, "I know it seems like everyone has been lying to you all this time, and I know that has to be frustrating and confusing, especially when it comes to MacGyver. But, just know that he only wanted to keep you safe," she finishes with sincerity.

You give her a slight nod as she leaves, and you sit there for a moment thinking back through the past several hours.

***Flashback to the warehouse***

While sitting in that warehouse with Murdoc, who's name you had finally discovered, bound to a chair and terribly fatigued, all you can do is try to distract him, hoping that, if Mac comes like Murdoc said he would, Mac could get the upper hand.

As your head swims, you try to keep Murdoc talking by asking him any question you can think of. Unfortunately, he catches onto your scheme as he frustratingly interjects and approaches you once more. His lips curve into a wicked snare. He then gently but torturously reaches to move a stray piece of hair from in front of your eyes, but you turn your head away in attempt to avoid his menacing touch.

"Oh, Y/N," he starts in a fakely sweet voice. "Don't you know I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to distract me..... but it won't work. I will win today. After all," he suddenly grabs your face, forcing you to look at him, " you're my lucky charm." He turns swiftly and climbs the steps, and seconds later slams the metal door behind him.

With him gone, you pull hard on the ropes wrapped around your arms, but to no avail. They won't budge, and all you can do is sit, wait, and worry.

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