I don't know

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The next morning at school as I stood beside my locker. I saw Clark and his friends beside their locker and I shot Clark a smile but he just turn his gaze and looked away. And that was when I noticed that the cold, blank and quiet side of him that he always portrays in school was back. It was as if we have never spoken to each other before and we never knew each other.

Anyways its not like I'm his friend or anything right?

I stood by my locker waiting for Angela who had just excused herself to go to the washroom. Angela arrived breaking me from my thoughts as she watched the direction of my gaze which was centered on Clark.

She clicked her fingers together snapping me out of my thoughts "Stop staring its weird"

And then I spoke all defensive but she wasn't having it  "I wasn't staring"

"yeah, yeah how many times have I not heard that" She said with a smirk and a smile.

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker shut and turned to face her.

"anyways how was your date with him yesterday" she said sarcastically as I sensed the sarcasm in her tone.

"Excuse me. It wasn't a date it was just a harmless meet up for an assignment. a date, wow i wish"

The bell rang putting our conversation to a halt. Angela linked our fingers together as we walk to our class "You better tell us all about it at lunch" She said feigning a threatening tone.

Classes today were boring as usual. The teachers were literally sucking the life out of us. Our only remedy was lunchtime so it was as if we had all revived from death when the lunch bell rang.

I made my way to our table and I called out to Aubrey and Angela who I saw from a distance coming to the table as well.

As I sat down the questions where thrown at my face just like that from both of them.

"So tell us the good news" I watched the two of them and now turn back to watching my food before me. I was in fact interested in the food than their questions.

"So you're not going to answer wait did y'all kiss or even better you guys made out" Aubrey asked, this is more like a hopeful rant. I looked at her in disbelief. I gasped at the fact that she really taught all this could happen in one night and moreover this was even our first time ever talking. He even said I was his just his school mate.

As I got tired of their hopeful assumptions, I told them everything about his house, his mom and our interaction.

"But you realize how close you are to becoming his friend right" Angela encouraged.

"Friend? You guys should know by now that if it wasn't for the assignment he probably wouldn't even know I exist"

"Right even though this assignment might suck for us lucky you. You get to be paired with your crush and unfortunately for me I got be paired with some girl called Tess who has an obsession with saying the word "like" every two minutes"

"Tell me about it,  my assignment partner is even worse" Aubrey added.

"This doesn't mean anything guys he would have done the same thing to any other girl. Why should I feel special and get my hopes up when I know this is all just happening because of the project we are doing together"

"Well she has point" Angela said as she slouched back in her seat and sighed. Even though I wanted to be his friend, he locked out everyone even at school. I didn't want to get my hopes up because the project was the reason why we even spoke to each other and how sure was I that he would have even spoken to me if it hadn't been for the project.

"He is looking here again" Aubrey said all of a sudden.

I turned to look over at Clark's table which was just two tables away from us. Our eyes met for the second time today but this time he didn't look away his brown eyes sharply staring at me. This was a different kind of look. But he turned when his friend nudge him to show him something on his phone. This boy is so confusing.

I looked away and then the bell rang.

Clark Wilson



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