You look like shit

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I just helped myself off the ground. And i raised my head and looked at the annoyed expression on his face.

Oh, I understand this is the second time.

I am bumping into him like this.

I managed to open my mouth and I said "I'm so-rry."

He just said "Really, do you have a tendency for always bumping into people or intentionally me"



He bumped into me the other time.

I wanted to talk and retaliate but he cut me off with his hand saying,

"Don't be, think about yourself" He said looking at me straight in the face.

I hated how weak I looked.

I couldn't even say anything, why do I always go mute when he is around. He has such an effect on me.

He just sighed and looked at me one last time before he walked away his arm brushing against my arm. The chills it sent down my body.

Concentrate dumbass

You just fell

"Benny, boy where have you being?" I turned to see Clark patting the head of a dog, then I realized it was the same dog that chased me. He just took hold of the dog's leash and they walked away. Leaving me baffled and with an open mouth.

So both the dog and the owner seem not to like me.


If Angela and Aubrey hear this they will certainly laugh.

Oh No.

I forgot mum sent me to the grocery shop. I have to hurry she said she has some work to do this evening.

I hurried to the grocery shop and bought the stuff. I in fact raced to the house, I just hope she doesn't get pissed. I turned the door knob and saw my mom sitting down on the sofa reading some scripts. I am sure it's another report she wrote.

She turned her head when she noticed my presence. She said "Finally, you are back why did you keep so long?" She gave me a questioning look. I said with a small smile "Nothing i was just caught up with something," I started to walk hurriedly up the stairs because i knew she will keep bombarding me with questions, my mom was an expert at that.

She spoke from the living room, which was audible enough for me to hear and said,

"I going now. Frank called me. I heading off to the office. Bye honey, make sure your brothers go to bed on time"

I spoke back "Sure mom, Bye."

Then i heard the front door open and close. My mom usually goes to work in the evening as well. Her office had some kind of morning shift and night shift kind of things, sometimes she is on morning shifts and sometimes on night shifts and this was one of those days.

I managed to persuade my brothers to do their homework, It wasn't easy at all. Those boys are a handful. I made sure they went to bed on time to making sure it hadn't passed their bed time. Always when my mom goes on night shifts. All the chores in the house are left to me to do. I cook, make sure my brothers do their homework and go to bed. Then I have to wait for my mom to come home first before i go to sleep, we don't have a spare key and I knew we needed one.

And i will always love youuuu

Will always love youuuu

What the hell, Who set my alarm's ringtone to this song? Why was Celine Dione interrupting my sleep like this. My mom certainly did this. She used it as my alarm ringtone.

I am sure my mom was the one who set this song because she knows how pissed off I looked the first time i heard it.

I hit my hand on the alarm clock and rolled over to the side of the bed unknowingly to me I was on the edge of the mattress. I fell with a loud thud to the floor.

Remember your bed is not that big dumbass

Thank  you for reminding me now

I stood up from the ground.

I took my bath and got myself ready. I just used a little makeup to cover the bags under my eyes i didn't get enough sleep yesterday, because I had to wait for my mum. And she came home very late. I just wore my blue jeans and a top my mom bought for me. It was kind of nice and just simple and put on my converse. I didn't waste anytime on my hair I was feeling lazy so I allowed it to cascade on my shoulders.

I checked the time, it was almost time for Angela to get here.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and went straight to kitchen. My mom wasn't up yet and my brothers were already at the table fixing breakfast for themselves. I fixed my own breakfast and ate hurriedly. Then i heard the sound of a horn i knew it was Angela. I said "Bye guys. Tell mom I already left"

Danny said "Bye, actually you look like shit today"

I gasped and said "Thank you for stating the obvious stupid."

Then i heard my mom's voice as she got closer to where we were "Danny how many times do I have to tell you not to curse at your sister"

Davies whispered to him "Shit, bro mom is up"

"I heard that Davies"

He said "But mom she-" My mom cut him off with a stern look as she finally walked down the stairs. He shot me glare and I just smirked. I heard Angela blow her horn again, I said

"Bye mom."

I turned the door knob and left. I opened the door to Angela's car and i peeped my head a little before getting in the car. She said "You're late," while i sat down and starting putting on my seat belt.

"I'm early actually." I said as I turned to look at her.

"Wait, is this your kind of early because it's almost past 7:00am"

I said glaring at her "I am here. Now lets go."

She just shook her head and said,

"But, what happened to you girl sorry to say but you like shit today."

I gasped and said "What is it with people saying this to me today. Thank you for also stating the obvious" I said in a sarcastic tone.

She just chuckled and said "I'm sorry, okay. Someone is not in a good mood today. Did your mom go to work yesterday?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's just that I'm just tired you know"

She knows about my moms work schedule and how stressful it was. I was  feeling so sleepy right now and tired as well. I for sure knew I will be sleeping today in one of my classes. Because anytime my mom goes on night shifts i don't sleep early and because of that I don't get enough sleep.

Angela turned on the radio and our favourite song was playing "Demi Lovato's Sorry not Sorry" We started singing along.

Baby I'm sorry,I'm not sorry

Baby I'm sorry,I'm not sorry.

Being so bad got me feeling so good

We sang like that till we reached the school.

We then got out of the car and starting walking in the hallway , I saw Clark coming ahead with his friends.

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