Sitting mate

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I arrived late to class and I got an hour in detention after class. I wasn't surprised because I knew after what happened in the hallway today. I was definitely gonna be late for class.

After detention, I attended all my classes without concentrating much I just blanked out most of the time.

But my arm still freaking hurts

That fall

"Miss Arthur are you here with us?" My Maths Tutor asked with a stern look on his face.

I stuttered and said, "Yes sir."

He nodded and kept looking slyly at me and said "Good."

I really needed to get my shit together and concentrate.

Then the sound of the bell cut me out of my thoughts.


I walked into the cafeteria making sure Clark and his friends weren't yet at their table. Because I was trying to avoid him, I was still not over what happened in the hallway today.

So embarrassing

I could face-slap myself right now

Luckily they weren't there just some the three popular girls in the cheerleading club who mostly sat at that table. They are the Queen bees in this school more like Queen "BEES" they are always buzzing around and being irritating. It's like a personality trait.

I walked fast and saw my friends sitting at our usual table.

"Hey, I saw you coming out of the detention room today, what's up?" Angela asked while looking at me curiously.

She gave me a questioning look, she knew I have never been to detention before. And this was a first time thing.

I began to speak "It's a long.." my eyes got diverted when I saw Clark enter the lunchroom. I studied and watched every move making sure he doesn't turn in my direction. He was about to turn his head in my direction, then I quickly but swiftly bowed down my head.

I watched as he walked to their table and whispered something to Cullen. That's one of best friends if I'm right his other friend Bret sat at the other side of the table. Bret is a player and really outgoing, most of the hyped-up parties were held in his house. Cullen, I can't say a lot about him I really don't know much about him. I can say he was more like Clark.

"Megan is there something you are not telling us?" Aubrey cut me out of my thoughts and was searching my face curiously, waiting for an answer.

"Okay, this is what happened...."



They both bust out into laughter and the whole cafeteria turned their attention us.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I just did," I said sarcastically, she glared at me.

"Talk about luck girl" Aubrey giggled and gave me sympathetic look.

I slapped her arm.

"I don't think I will ever be able to talk to him guys he probably hates me now so much huh, "I said and almost looked in this direction.

Angela finally said "So what are you going do" she straightened up from all the laughing she had done.

"I don't know having a crush is hard especially if it's someone like him"

"But I hope you are not giving up?" Aubrey asked looking at me for an answer.

"Wouldn't you if you were in my position?"


"But you know it's easy to give up" I sighed.

Angela said trying to lighten up the mood.

"But girl its good you didn't fall on your butt" Angela said making me stare at her with my mouth open.

"Angela you're not helping!"

Aubrey was laughing so much.

Angela giggled.

Oh God

My friends

I had this class with Angela and Aubrey. And unfortunately, Clark.

We entered the class and I saw that the place we usually sat had been taken and there were only two seats left there. Aubrey and Angela made their way to those seats. I looked around to look for a seat but the only seat left was beside Clark at the back.

I can't sit there.

I was avoiding him

And now this happens

The class became silent so I sensed that our Lifeskills teacher might have just entered the class. I was still standing at my position.

He cleared his throat and said "Miss Arthur, can I ask you why you are standing?"

The whole class drew their attention to me.

Great just what I needed

So, to prevent further questioning I sat next to Clark. I hesitated before sitting down.

Then Mr. Ray cleared his throat and said: "Better."

The type of discomfort I was feeling right now. You can't imagine. And unfortunately, my brain and my eyes couldn't keep to themselves. I turn to look at him dreading his eyes meeting mine.

I was just praying for this class to be over.

Then Mr. Ray said, "So I have decided that most of you will be changing your sitting positions in my class starting from now, those I am okay with will maintain their sitting places."You could hear indistinct clattering from every corner of the class. I hope he takes me back to my original place, was my only thought. Mr. Ray raised his head and glared at us which made the whole class turn silent.

So he started. Some people got to maintain their places and sitting partners. Then he said "Megan and Clark you maintain your position"

He smiled.


Wipe that smile off your face sir. Do you know what I am going through right now?

I turned to look at Clark and saw that he had a blank expression on his face like always. This boy is like a block of wood in the human body.

I hope our teacher doesn't give us an assignment to do together because I don't know how I'm going to cope with this boy.

The bell rang. Mr. Ray dismissed us and then we all dispersed from the room.

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