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" FAIHA " Anwar called and quickly ran to her side .

Yaa Abdul and Adnan quickly ran to her too, she was lying life less with blood oozing out of her body ,due to her falling on her stomach.

What did you just do, are you crazy Yaa Abdul yelled at farha who just stood there shock, tears brimming out of her eyes and shaking her head , she didn't mean for this to happen.

Faiha, Faiha are you okay Anwar ask .

She was crying in pain as she clutch her on her stomach with one hand and tightly grip on Anwar's hand with the other one.

Anwar let's quickly take her to the hospital , Adnan said.

I will get the car yaa Abdul said running to his car, he brought the car closer and Anwar who totally not in his right mind picked her up in bridal style and gently put her in the back seat, he also got inside placing her head on his lap, his hands both covered in blood .

You will be okay, Insha Allah my love he said , as Yaa Abdul and Adnan got into the car, he drove to the nearest hospital which was Turkish hospital.

Immediately they arrived , he picked her up and ran inside the hospital, two nurses approach him with a stretcher which he gently placed her down on.

They quickly take her to the emergency room with All the men trailing behind them.

Doctor Amina and two other nurses quickly walked to where Anwar , yaa Abdul and Adnan were.

Don't worry Anwar , she will be okay Insha Allah okay she said and he shook his head biting his lower lip, can I come in please he ask .

Am sorry but no she said , just stay calm and pray of her , everything will be okay she said and then walk inside the room.


Anwar couldn't stay still as he kept pacing up and down the hall way.

Yaa Abdul called yaa Aisha and told her what happened.and she said she will be right there .

Anwar , stay calm please, faiha need your prayers more than anything right now okay , just pray for her , yaa Abdul said.

He just nod his head, he feels like he will cry if he just open his mouth.

Exactly 30 mins his mother, faiha's mother and yaa Aisha arrived.

What happened Anwar , his mother ask

He couldn't say a word , he just pull he in two a hug as the tears he was holding kept streaming down his face .

I can live with out faiha , I won't be able to live mummy if anything happens to her he cried.

Ssshhhh......Anwar , don't say that, faiha will be okay Insha Allah, she needs our prayers she said gently patting his back.

Mummy she has been in there for almost one hour now he said wiping away his tears.

Do you think giving birth Is that easy she said .

He look at faiha's mother who was sitting beside Adnan praying for her daughter.

You should go home and get the babies clothes mummy said.

I won't go any where mummy, I won't be able to drive he said.

OK , Aisha can you please go get it ,you and Abdul mama said.

OK they both said .

He brought out the house key from his pocket and handed it to Aisha.

FAIHA(Not edited‼️)Where stories live. Discover now