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Faizul -Anwar

It's been a week since they got back to Abuja and 8days ever since him and faiha started dating. And He's going to start working in his dad company today insha Allah.

He woke up early in the morning , walked into his bathroom as he brushed his teeth and perform ablution, he wore a black jallabiya and walked out if the his side to their big living room where Daddy was waiting for him also in his jallabiya.

Ina kwana Daddy (Good morning ) he greeted, Morning Anwar how are you his daddy ask as they walk out of the front door to their mosque, fyn Alhamdullilah he said and his Dad nod his head saying Masha Allah.

After praying subh they went back home together.

they were both sitting in their living room having coffee. When Daddy spoke.
Anwar I hope you remember you are joining the company today right He said, yes Daddy I well aware of that he said sipping his coffee, Masha Allah I wish you all the best my son ,And I will like it if you will get there by 8 cause I want to make an important announcement Daddy said.

I will be there insha Allah he said and Daddy smile, Am so proud of you my boy Daddy said as he stood up patting his shoulder he smile and stood up too.

Okay son go get ready his dad said and he replied with okay walking to his side, he look at his living room wall clock and the time says 6:30am , he sat down on his three sitter sofa taking his phone and dailing "Amore " number

She picked it up after a while,

"Hello" she said in a meekly voice indicating she just woke up.

Am sorry Amore did I wake you up he said

No you didn't after all I was getting late for subh prayer she said.

OK you should go and pray , I will call you later he said.

Okay she simply said.

OK Amore I love you he said and disconnected the call.

He smile as he stood up and walked to his bedroom, he laid down on his bed waiting for faiha's call.

She called him after 10mins.

Good morning she said meekly,

Morning Amore he said smiling,

How are you, Mama and Adnan he ask

We are all fine Alhamdullilah, how is mummy she ask.

She's also fine Alhamdullilah he said and she smile saying Masha Allah

You are going to start working today right she ask

Yes he said , I wish you all the best she said.

Thank you Amore he said. And she smile from the other side.

Last night I saw a Dream and in the dream I saw an angel he said smiling.

Really she ask

Yah and angel asked me what do you want he said to her.

Then she ask

I told angel to take care of you but she said "NO" he said and she gasp

But why Faiha ask pouting as if he can see her .

Because she said Angels don't take care of angels he said and she started blushing as she was smiling.

I love you Anwar she said.

I love you more he said, And she smile.

Okay I have to go I need to get ready for work he said looking at his wall clock .

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