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I can't believe this ,our small baby girl will soon be a mother ,yaa Aisha said changing Amra's diaper

And I will be an Aunt again, Rukky said and she smile playing with 2months old baby faiha.

They were all in kano both her parents and An war's parents , they were all in kano, her and Anwar along with his parent are staying in the palace , she and Anna just came to visit her parent at mama hajiya's house.

I just can't wait to see Anwar and you little version , am so excited wallahi Anna said and she smile.

Keep quite madam , abeg you and Ashraf should hurry up and get marry ,I also want to see my nieces and nephews she said and Anna kept quite playing with Amra.

What ? Wani Ashraf in ,Rukky ,mabrooka ,zara and fareeda ask.

Wani Ashraf in ,inbanda Ashraf hussain , faiha said and they all look at her .

Wow , baby girl so you are the lucky girl, masha Allah we are going to be families again reeree said and Anna look at them.

She is lying fa ,Anna said .

Swear am laying ,faiha said.

I will not swear bit you know you are lying she said.

Oh really ,why don't we call Ashraf here to confirm it for us , reeree said.

That's a great idea , barin kirashi Rukky said , taking her phone and dialing Ashraf's number.

No no please don't call him ,here please Anna said standing up and running after Rukky to collect the phone.

Too late baby she said as Ashraf deep voice echoed around the room because the phone is on speaker.

Hello Rukkymama he said.

Hy Ash, can you please come to Zara's room Rukky ask running into the toilet and closing the door behind her .

Yes what's wrong.

Nothing just hurry up please she said .

OK will be there in like 5mins he said.

OK bye she said and disconnected the call.

Just as she walked our of the toilet , she saw Anna picking her bag and after dress and then rolling her veil.

Hello there miss ,where are you going they ask.

Home she said.

Not now baby , you will have to wait for Ashraf baby , reeree said side hugging her.

Nope am leaving bye she said walking toward the door.

Just as she was about to go out ,Ashraf walked in causing them to bump into each other.

Ya Salam am so sorry he said and she look at him not saying anything and was about to walk out .

Where are you going he ask.

None of your business she said and try to walk out when ,faiha ran to her side quickly pulling her back into the room.

Careful faiha , Yaa Aisha said.

Ashraf , do you know why this beautiful lady of our is running away, faiha ask .

And he shook his head .

Because you are here , Reeree said standing on the other side of Anna placing her elbow on Anna's shoulder .

You girls are crazy , why will I leave because he's here she said rolling her eyes while yaa Aisha pulled her to her side saying please stop disturbing my Anna .

Tell us Ashraf what's between you and Anna , reeree ask.

He look at her an then back to Reeree.

Is that why you called me here he ask.

Yes Rukky said, she has been denying the fact that you two are in a relationship, so we called you here to confirm.

Since that's what she said , then so be it .bye ladies, am leaving he said walking out of the room.

Ashraf you didn't answer our question , reeree and zara yelled.

Ahhhh.....he's so arrogant, I hate him Anna said hissing.

And they all look at her , before laughing.

After praying Asr, they all sat down in mama hajiya's living room talking and laughing , while faiha was sleeping peacefully with her head on mama hajiya's lap.

Wannan yarinya dason bacci kaman zomo,mama said.

Haka kike keman lokachin dakike da chikin Aishatu, bakida aiki sai bacci mama hajiya said .

And mama laugh.

Faiha's phone which was with Zara started ringing.

Anwar is calling her , should I wake her up Zara ask.

No , just tell him she's sleeping ,mama hajiya said.

OK she said and answered the phone.

After exchanging pleasantries with each other , she told him faiha is sleeping .

He said OK and that she should tell Faiha and Anna to get ready , he will come and pick after maghrib .

OK she said and disconnected the call.

Anna he said that you and faiha should get ready he will be coming after maghrib to pick you up.

OK Anna said and they continue talking and laughing , later on when faiha woke up ,her and mama hajiya made gullisuwa and tuwon madara after which, she packed it and put it inside her handbag saying she won't give anybody.

15 min after maghrib , Anwar came he went inside and greeted , mama hajiya, mama, her aunties and uncles before they left.

Anwar can you please get you baby havilah ice cream she said pouting .

Which of my babies , the mama baby or baby baby.

Both of us she said and baby Aunty , Anna said from behind.

OK girls he said and after driving for a while they reach havilah. They all went inside ,sat down near the window while Anna went to order their ice cream .

They had so much fun before going back to the palace and they all retire for the night immediately .

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