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It's been two days since Anna told her about Anwar being admitted at the hospital and it's been three days since she last talked to him, she tried calling him but his phone was switched up so she decided to call Anna to ask her about him ,Hello Anna she said as soon as Anna picked up the call

      Hy babe how are you? Anna answered
    I'm fine! " She answered as she  nervously play with her ring "Uhmm..Anna how is Anwar?" ..Anwar is fine his condition is improving really !! Anna answered

I was thinking about stopping by at the hospital before we go back to Abuja??...She said more like a question Anna smiled before a saying Sure..do stop by Faiha,I am also missing you and the name of the hospital is Giginyu  Specialist hospital VIP suite Room 4  "

Faiha answered with Okay!! Before disconnecting the call

She got up feeling contented walking into the bathroom, she took a short hot bath then she got dressed in a purple Puplum top, she draped a white veil over her shoulder then picked her black chanel bag before walking out of their room ..Biding Mama a goodbye she grabbed mama hajiya's Camry car key before heading to the garage where she unlocked the car and drove to Giginyu hospital it was a short trip as the hospital wasn't far from their house

She found the room easily as per the help of a nurse ...Knocking at the door ,Anna opened the door for her "Faiha!!" Anna exclaimed as soon as she opened the door pulling Faiha into a hug .

Faiha hugged her but her mind was with Anwar, she only wants to see Anwar at the moment.

Come in Anna said as she move aside, they both Walked in to the room.

Anwar was on the bed with a blanket covering his legs, he looks pale but handsome at the same time, mummy was beside him forcing hin to eat something as she was holding a bowl with potato soup in it.

By the left side of the room was a three siter sofa consisting of 5 ladys :Adda nainah, Hafsat,iman, ihsan, fatima to whom faiha recognise only Adda nainah.  And by the right side was  rumaisa sitting on a rubber chair.

Anwar's attention was on the door as he heard Faiha's voice, As they walked into the room , their eyes locked "oh God she look's very beautiful" he thought.

Ina wuni(Good afternoon) Mummy faiha greeted.

Ina gajiya Faiha, ya kk (How are you) mummy ask.

Lafiya faiha smile as she was feeling uncomfortable due to the glares Anwar was sending toward her.

Ya mamanki (how is your mother) she ask, tana nan Lafiya(she is fine ) Faiha said and mummy smile saying Masha Allah.

Ya mai jiki faiha ask
Jiki Alhamdullilah Mummy smile, she loves this girl a lot

Ina wuni(Good afternoon) faiha greet Aunt Rumaisa, Ina gajiya Faiha Aunt Rumaisa smile. And she smile back.

She greet Adda Nainah , Anwar and the rest. As Hafsat  was sending death glare toward her.

Ya jiki she ask looking at Anwar, Alhamdullilah he smile.

Allah ya kara sauki she said and he replied with Ameen.

Anna meet my cousins :Fatima and Hafsat Aunt Rumaisa kids who is sitting there Anna introduced.

Hy faiha I heard so much about you from Anna fatima beamed , nice to meet you she said smiling , nice to meet you too faiha smile , Hafsat ignored her and was engrossed in using her phone.

And these are our lovely twins iman and ihsan Aunt Amina's children Anna said. Hy Faiha ihsan and iman smile , hy faiha smile all this while Anwar's eyes were glued on her and Hafsat noticed it she was jealous as she have a big crush on Anwar.

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