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                             2 years later.

The airport was beautifully lit with Lights, the runway especially. Moving in the crowd of passengers who just alighted from Air France,he headed into the building of  Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport . He waited patiently through all the security checks,which was painfully slow,till it was his turn. After he was done with security, he picked up his luggage and headed out searching for his ride.

The airport was filled with laughter and a lot of screams. Families reunited, soulmates meet. He was very happy because he is returning home to my family.

Faiz he heard his Mother's voice , quickly turning to the direction he heard his name, he saw her beautifully dress in an orange Ankara dress and a blue veil, then his sisters Adda Nainah holding a cute 2yrs old boy and Anna holding Huda's hand in her. He smile walking closer to them as he engulfed his mother into a warm enamored hug, my love, my boy she said hugging him as she peck his forehead and cheeks, Did you miss me this much he said smiling, yes of course my love I missed you so much she said pecking his cheek again , I missed you more he said and she smile.

We are here ooo Nainah said and he smile looking at her, wow Is this Al-amin he said trying to take him from her but he refuse ,Qwiya Anwar said and Nainah smile saying lameen it's uncle Anwar don't you remember him she ask and he shook his head lying his head on her chest,  Huda hug him saying I missed you uncle Anwar, I missed you more little one he said  pecking her cheeks.

Wow huda you are now a big girl he said and she smile,yes am a big sis now she said and he smile ruffling her hair. Uncle she whined and he smile. 

Anna he smile pulling her into a hug ,I missed you so much Anwar she said hugging him back, I missed you more Lil sis he said and she smile.

OK now enough of this let's go home your father is waiting Hajiya Nafisa said and he nod his head saying okay, how I missed Dad.


The gate swang open immediately after recognising  their car as the driver Mallam Umar drove into the compound, he parked the car in front of the front door and they all exit the car.

Masha Allah Anwar said looking at their front door.

Welcome back home young master the maids greeted as soon as they walked into the house they were all standing on a straight line as they bow their head greeting him, thank you he simply said before walking further into the massive living room.

Marhaban Marhaban ya Anwar his dad smile sitting up from his position as he walked toward his son pulling hin into a bone crushing hug.

I missed you Dad he said and his dad smile, I missed you more my son his dad smile and he smile back.

Go freshen up son and then eat something his mom said and he replied with okay as he walked to his side, Everything in the living room has been changed, the furniture and the painting it looked beautiful and classy he ambled to his room and the same thing that happened to the living room happened here.

He simply smile knowing very well that this is his mother's work , he remove his cloth wrapping a white towel around his waist as he walked into the bathroom, he took a hot long bath , and then perform ablution.

He wore a black sweatpants and a blue v neck top, he perform the prayers he missed before laying down on the bed and immediately doze off.

He woke up at exactly 6:40 by the call of adhan for magrib prayer coming from their mosque.

He rushed to the bathroom , perform ablution and then walked out of his room, and then out of his side he met Daddy in the living room with his black jallabiya probably waiting for him.

You must have been very tired my son I went to your room and found you sleeping his mother who just walked downstairs said , yes Mum I was very tired so I decide to get some rest he said and she smile, OK you both should go to the mosque and food will be ready before you are back insha Allah she said and they replied with okay leaving the house to the mosque.

They didn't go back home until after ishaa. As they all settled down on the dinning table he noticed that Nainah and her kids are missing.

Where is  Adda Nainah he ask, she left to her house earlier when you was sleeping Anna said eating her salad, okay he simply said as he started eating with bismillah.

Masha Allah how I missed home made food he said and his mom smile saying that's why I made this food especially for you, now eat ,you must be very hungry his dad said and he smile.

Anna's phone started ringing and she quickly pick it up saying.
Hello Faiha she said and Anwar quickly looked up looking at her.

Excuse me please Anna said leaving the table as his eyes followed her as she walked out of the dinning room saying you are crazy Faiha.

Oh how he missed her he thought eating  his Pasta .

So sweethearts, here is another chapter just for you, I hope you enjoy it.
Don't  forget to





With lots of love


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