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It's been I month ,3weeks ever since faiha and Anwar got married and they have been in Mexico for a month now and finally they will be leaving tomorrow along with Anna. So Adda Nainah ask him to just come to her house so that tomorrow they can just go straight to the airport.

So they check out of their hotel and are now currently in Adda Nainah's living room , they have bought so many gifts for the role family back in kaduna.

Their luggage's were already packed.

Faiha was sitting beside Anwar as they talk about everything and nothing laughing when her phone started ringing .

Adnan was that caller.

Yau antuna danine was the first thing she said immediately after taking the call.

Well no I just called to tell you Rukky gave birth he said.

Dan Allah she said getting up, Have I ever lied to you he said , wait she said and disconnected the call.

What happened Anwar, Anna and Adda Nainah ask.

Rukky gave birth she said as she video call Adnan.

And he picked up after a while.

Where is Rukky and the baby he ask .

Here he said bad passed Rukky the phone who was on a hospital bed.

Rukky you gave birth she ask smiling, yes faiha here look at your niece Rukky said as she turn the phone to a sleeping cute baby who was beautifully dressed in a pink over roll ,a white cap and a white flannel which has pink flower prints on it was wrap around her.

Masha Allah, masha Allah she's so cute she cooed as she sat beside Anwar who was also looking at the baby in Awwn and Anna who was now sitting beside her.

Congrats Rukky Faiha said , thank you she smile.

Ansamu karuwa Anwar said and she smile said eh, Allah ya raya he said and she replied with Ameen .

Allah ya raya Rukky Anna said and she replied with Ameen too.

OK rukky now turn the phone back to my baby Let me see her again. GOD I wish I was the first one to hold her she said and rukky chuckle turning the camera back to the baby.

You should hurry up and give birth to your own child that when you will be able hold him/her first she heard Yaa Aisha's voice.

Kar kidamu Yaa Aisha, Ai very soon Anna said and Aisha's face immediately pooped through the phone.

Yes , yes every soon I will be an Aunt again Anna said and Aisha smile.

Masha Allah so you are pregnant and you didn't bother to tell me she said and Faiha roll her eyes.

Abeg move and give rukky the phone , I just want to see my baby she said.

Hello sister in law Anwar said.

Hello Anwar how are you she ask smiling , Am fine Alhamdullilah. Ansamu karuwa he said , eh she said, you Allah ya raya he said and she replied with Ameen.

So faiha you won't ask about your mother Adnan said collecting the phone as he sat beside their mother.

Mamana my love she said and mama laugh.

How are you habibty she ask and she replied with Alhamdullilah.

Ina wuni mama Anwar and Anna greeted , Ina gajiya yakuke she ask smiling , fine Alhamdullilah they both said.

Ansamu karuwa he said, eh wallahi she said.
Allah ya raya he said and he replied with Ameen. After then they take for a while with Faiha before giving the phone back to rukky ,

Rukky send me her pictures now now she said.

Yes ma, rukky said .

Well where is Ahmad I need to congratulate hin she said.

Well he left awhile ago she said.ok then my regard to him and what's our babies name she ask.

Wallahi I don't know ,he won't tell me she said

OK oo good bye Allah ya kara sauki, ya raya she said , Ameen rukky said and they disconnected the call.

Gaskiya kam I want to be an Aunt again she said.

I don't have your time wallahi Faiha said getting up.

She's right , I want to be an Aunt too Adda Nainah said.

And she look at Anwar who was also looking at her, he smile and she smile back. Am hungry she said changing the topic as she walk to the dinning area.

Bye bye they bid Adda Nainah , her husband and kids goodbye as they walked to board their plane.

After boarding the plane(Danbatta's family privare jet) with Anna and faiha sat beside each other while Anwar sat opposite them .

After putting on their seat belts and reciting the dua for travelling ,as the pilot announced that the plane is taking off .

Anna and Faiha kept talking about the new born baby until they finally doze off leaving Anwar who was busy with his laptop doing some work .

After the long 13hours journey they reached Nnamdi azikewe airport.

A car was already waiting for them , so after all they procedures they left straight to their house with Anna saying they will take her back later and then proceed to go greet their parents for now all they need is rest even though Faiha insisted they go see ruby's baby.
But Anwar refused saying they will go tomorrow insha Allah.

Hope you liked it


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