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It's been a week ever since they came to Mexico and faiha was alone in their hotel while Anwar has gone to work.

She was beautifully dressed in a Ash top and a black jeans , her hair parked in a bun as she was talking to ya Aysha on the phone.

Haba ya Aisha she said.

Allah am telling you faiha, stop all this nonsense and give him his right if not wallahi you are inviting zunubi for your self ya Aisha said.

OK I will try faiha said, it's just that am so scared she added.

Gidanku da I will try faiha ko yanzu mijinki ya nemiki just give him his hakki just forget am scare she said.

To Insha Allah, but he's even angry at me what should I do faiha ask.

Kinga niko ya Aisha said. Well yanzu karfe nawa zai dawo(what time is he coming back ).

3oclock faiha said, and what time is it now ya Aisha ask.

2:05 she said, so you have exactly 55minutes now get up go and prepare a very delicious meal for him , take your bath and dress well and then Kinga be Ai she said.

OK but what should I cook faiha ask.

Oh Allah na faiha komai saina gayamiki ne(must I tell you everything) , don't you know your husband's favour dish. Cook it you are wasting your time now go I will call you back later OK baby sis.

OK bye  I love you my regard to yaa Abdul and Amra.

OK zasuji bye love your more and with that she disconnected the call .

What should I cook he thought as she walk to the kitchen.

Anwar love Chinese rice so I will make it she said as she open the fridge and bring out the carrot, red Pepper, green pepper, spring onions , and chicken before proceeding in making it.

She first for all put the chicken on fire for it to per boil after putting all the  necessary things ,and also per boiling the basmati rice.

She then started cutting the vegetables into very small cubes , in less than 30mins she was done making the Chinese rice and peppered chicken , along with banana smoothie. She ut very thing into food flask and the banana smoothie in a jug inside the fridge   .

She walked to their room and sauntered into the bathroom , she took a quick bath and then walk out of the bathroom she got dress in an ash crop top and a black tight. She was combing her hair when she heard the door sound opening and closing .

She quickly tied her hair up in a bun and then spray her perfume as she walk out of the room to the living room .

And there he is on the three seater handsomely dressed in a complete black , his black tie tied lose around his neck and his black blazer was on the one seater .

Albi welcome back she said with a smile and he look at her for a few seconds checking her out before he stood up and started walking toward their bedroom door.

Haba Albi won't you say anything to me , I admit my mistake am sorry please forgive me she said holding his hand but he pulled his hand away and sauntered into the bedroom.

Ya Allah she siad as she follow him to the bedroom , where he was already taking his cloth off with a towel wrap around his torso.

Anwar please listen to me she said as he walk to the bathroom, but he still ignored her .

Anwar please listen to me why are you doing all this , I admit to my mistake and yes  I apologise but you just won't say anything you have been like this for two days now she said blocking his way in the bathroom , he look at her and then turn to walk away.

Listen to me she said holding his hand.

But he pulled it away which cause her to lose her balance and fell down.

Yaa Allah, inalillahi waina illahi rajiun she cried holding her leg tow hich he immediately ran to her side.

What's wrong ae you hurt am so sorry he said but she ignore him ,Anwar let me go she cried but he ignored her picking her up in bridal style .

She struggle to get put of his grip but he held her tight , he kept her down on the bed and open the bedside drawer taking an ointment.

Show m where does it hurt he ask looking at her as she was looking at him too.

Here she said pointing her heart, it's hurt so much that my husband won't forgive me, I agree I made a mistake she started as tears roll down her cheeks .

Shhss....he made a small sound with his mouth wiping away her tears.

I promised my brother in laws to never make you cry he said.

But you won't forgive me she started but was cut off by him pulling her into a hug.

I love you she said , I love you more he said as he peck her neck and then quickly pull away saying I need to freshen up.

OK , lunch is ready when you are done she said and he replied with okay as he sauntered into the bathroom while she smile putting back the ointment to its previous position before walking back to the living room .

She brought out all the foods she cooked and arranged them on the dinning table.

So what did you cook for me Anwar ask as he settled down on the chair beside her .she didn't answer instead open the food flask and he smile saying Aww thank you sweetheart he said as she finished serving him .

She stood up and walked to the kitchen to get the banana smoothie while Anwar follow her with his hot gaze.

Here she said as she walked back and serve him the smoothie.

Thank Amore he said looking at her and she smile pouting making sound with her mouth mmm and he lean in and peck her on her lips.

They ate the lunch together and then walk back to their living room where they both settled down on the sofa with her wrap around his arms.

Albi she called and he hmmed looking ,am so bored why don't we go out today she said .

Where do you want us to go he ask .

To the park she said , so let's pray Asr and then leave he said and she replied with okay happily.

After they have perform ablution , they prayed together with him leading them.

After praying she changed into a peach maxi dress and then draped a black veil around her head while he just wait for her and then they left immediately. They took a cab that took them straight to chapultepec park.

Hello sweethearts.
How are you doing and your family😊 , All fine Insha Allah, so here is Another chapter I really hope you like it, Don't forget to
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                                  Lots of love❤💕❤
                                       Ummita ❤

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