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6 months later

A beautiful lady was beautifully dressed in a peach gown, she looked very beautiful and her big stomach was also visible,she has a very nude make up on her face , and then her peach head turban which was neatly and beautiful done,with her simple Golden jewelries on her neck, ears and hand she just looked very beautiful .

Looking at her self one more time in the mirror she smile, she made sure she didn't gain any weight through out her pregnancy, because she always go for jogging and also going to pregnant women exercise classes.

Taking her black clutch and stuffing her orbit chewing gum, her phone, and other necessary things . She walk over to her bed , pick up her black veil and then slipped into her black loafer before walking majestically downstairs to her kitchen.

She looked at her wrist watch which reads 8:30pm, she quickly walk over to her fridge and brought out a jug of banana smoothie, she pour it into a tumbler and then put back the jug into the fridge.

She brought out a cocktail straw from her cabinet for her not to smudge her lipstick with her smoothie.

She saunter out of the kitchen to her living room just in time as Anwar walked in all dressed up in a black kaftan.

Hello beautiful, you are looking breathtaking he said hugging her.

Thank you love, you are not looking bad yourself she said and he smile.

Are you sure ,you can go because I don't think it's right for you to go there with your big stomach, haihuwa yau ko gobe ,faiha you are in your 9th month fah he said and she look at him, sipping her smoothie from the straw she look at him.

Anwar, I will be able to go don't worry about me please, by the way it's Anna's dinner not just anybody, she's my best friend and sister I can't miss her wedding she said .

Still I don't think ,it's a good idea for you to go he said.

Please Anwar , let's not start this now okay, let's go now, you have not been letting me go to many of my friends wedding just because am pregnant, bit I won't allow you to ruin this day for me she said .

OK as you wish, but don't say I didn't warn you he said and she smile taking the tumbler back into the kitchen .

Let's go she said and they both walked out of the house, locking the front door.

Thy hopped into his Mercedes-Benz and drove straight to the venue where the dinner is taking place.

They got out of the car and he hurried to her side taking her hand into his they walked into the hall , hand in hand after she draped her veil as per his order not even wish.

They just look so beautiful, that many people couldn't resist taking pictures of them , until they reach the seat which have their names on it.

They both sat down and she smile looking at the beautiful couple in front of her .Anna beautiful dressed in a green gown

Anna beautiful dressed in a green gown

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FAIHA(Not edited‼️)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant