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He dropped her off in front of their house as it was still raining, thank you she said as she was about to go out, here take this he said passing her an yellow umbrella he picked from the back seat, thank you she said taking it from him.

He watch as she open it and ran to their front door which was already opened and mama was standing there feeling very anxious as to where her daughter is while Anwar drove to their mansion.


Where have you been Faiha, why are you just getting home now and who was that ,you got drenched how mama bombard her with different kind of questions.

Maa am okay she said , and one question at a time she said .
Well Maa we had a late lecture and after that I went out in search for keke napep but didn't found one and then suddenly it started raining and then Anwar laila's elder brother appeared and offered to take me home and here I am she said smiling, okay my love go get change so that you won't catch a cold mama said and she smile walking to their room while mama walked to the kitchen to prepare something hot for her daughter.

Faiha took a hot long bath, before getting dress in a black jeans and an Ash sweater, and a wrap her hair in a black scarf. She prayed Asr and then ambled out of their room to the living room and settled bedside Adnan.

Here have this mama said passing her a hot cup of coffee, thank you faiha said sipping it and her phone started ringing.

Yaa Aisha was the caller.

Hello yaa isha faiha beamed, by baby faiha how are you and everyone at home Aisha ask Alhamdullilah Faiha replied. Masha Allah where is my mama Aisha ask and faiha put the phone on speaker.

Am here my love, how are you mama ask, am fyn mama and Albishirinki she said , Goro mama replied.

Am coming home tomorrow until I give birth she said and rukky, faiha and Adnan yelled happily. OK my dear Allah ya kawomin ke lafiya (may God bring you here safe and sound)mama said smiling. Ameen she said , well maa I have to go Abdulrahman is calling me bye she said and then disconnected the call.

Fauzul Anwar

As soon as he dropped faiha home, he drove straight home, the big black Iron door Swang open as it recognised his car, he drove into the compound and parked in front of their front door , he walked out of the car and half run to the front door .

As soon as he walked into the big living room he saw his mother sited on the couch dressed in a beautiful golden dress, with a brown headtie on her head she looks anxious at the same time sipping her God knows what from a mug.

Beside her was his sister laila watching star plus on the big plasma TV. Dressed in a red harem trouser and a black top. And a black scarf on her head.

Ina wuni mummy (good afternoon) he greeted , Faiz she said standing up and walking to him, what happened are you okay she ask cupping his face, look mummy am perfectly fine he said and she smile, you know I don't like the idea of you been there at in cold you are a pneumonia patient always remember she said and he nod his head saying yes maa.

OK my baby boy go vet change while I prepare something hot for you she said and he smile walking toward a large door , hy Ana he said , hlo Anwar he heard her yell as he ambled into the door. And there was a beautiful classy looking living room.which was painted Ash in colour with black and white furniture.

He walked toward a door and ambled into it with a Salam alaikum and there was a room ,a big master bedroom with everything in it, he stripped his cloth wrapping a towel around his waist before walking into his bathroom which was just so breathtakingly beautiful, he took a hot long bath before performing ablution, he walked out with a towel and went straight to his closet which was full to brim with designer clothes , he got dress in a white sweatpant and a royal blue hoodie.

He walked out of his side to the main living room downstairs and his father was sited beside Ana now, he greet him before sitting on the sofa beside theirs.

Ana don't tell me we are going to watch this he said pointing at the TV as she was busy watching star plus ,yes Anwar if you can't watch it then go back to your side or close your eyes she said , what he said looking at her, yes she said clutching the remote to her chest, OK then both of us will sit here and not watch anything he said taking the TV remote as he turn it off.

Daddy she whined ,forgive her son please Daddy said and he on the TV, that's when Mummy walked in holding a tray.

She settled down beside him keeping the tray beside her while passing him the tumbler.

A hot chocolate for my lovely son she said and he smile saying thank you.

Kai mummy this is not fair Ana said pouting , perks of being the only son Anwar said rolling his eyes at her as he sip his hot chocolate.

Don't worry my girl I will also make one for you Mummy said , and she pout saying I don't want. As you wish Anwar said.

They gist, watch and hang out together catching up.

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