24- Escape Plan

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I try not to think about how Harriet is going to be today. Does she still hate me even after I saved her life? Or has she finally givin up on this "let's go kill Rachel" business? Well, no matter how she feels about me she'll have to work with me, and I'll have to work with her.

Aris comes into the room before anyone else. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses his lips against mine... and for the first time I know our history like he does. "Damn it Rachel, dont do that to me," he whines. "I needed to," I whisper back. "I thought I was gonna lose you...."

Someone else comes in the room cutting off our embrace and I feel a weird shiver of fear that it's Harriet, but instead it's Izzy. "Oh thank God, you're...well I'm not sure if I should say normal," Izzy jokes but I can tell she's anxious about this whole thing.

"For a Glader, no, definetly not normal," I say then smile to lighten things up. "We're going to get out of here. And it has to be today before any other life is lost."

Sonya and...Harriet come in as I say the last sentence. They are followed by other keepers. "What are we doing today?" Sonya asks.

"Well looks like this old Chirp who was crazy enough to purposely get stung by a Griever has gotten us some useful information in the process," Izzy smiles, looking more relaxed and like herself than before.

"You could say that," I say.

Aris hasn't taken his eyes off me, I can feel them continually as we speak. "Don't do that again," he finally whispers so no one else can hear and this moment is ours alone.

I look at him. "I remember," I say, and that's enough for him. I don't promise him anything. I already did before and I regret it. Aris will hate me when....um... if I die.

I look at Harriet to distract me from the pain and see the aftermath of the fire on her. Most of her hair is gone and she has some brusies, but it's not the obvious visuals that make the difference. I can see a soft weakness growing in her, confidence and self pride slowly fading. I don't see much hatred either which i don't mind, but she needs to be a leader for the other gladers.

"Harriet," I say but we have already locked eyes. "You and I will lead the gladers towards the exit. I know where to go and what the code is but I need someone else to help me with those other gladers. And you have some pretty good experience."

Harriet flips her head back and it looks slightly strange with no hair to slide over her shoulder and onto her back with it, but I see more confidence in it which is good.

"I'll be right behind you guys," says Aris which was what I feared he would say.

"Actually, Aris, since you're the man here, I thought it would be best if you took the end, makes sure everyone gets through. It's kind of gentlemen thing to do," I prayed he would giggle along with me at the end, but instead he looked almost insulted.

"But Rachel, I don't-"

"Want to leave me? I know. But, just this time okay?" I try to plead with him using my eyes that look deep into his.

Aris sighs and pulls farther away from me. "Okay, fine," he says. Though I am not convinced he will stay true to his word.

"Alright," says Harriet, "A plan is a plan, Rachel and I will tell the other galders to prepare."

"Don't be surprised if they aren't all fantasic runners though, they aren't used to it after all, including me," says one of the keepers that I am not quite sure I remember the exact name of.

I stand up. "Well, we'll just have to see."

I look at Harriet. She gives a smile with a little smirk. "Let's go stick."

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