6-The Only Boy

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Harriet's POV

I walked away disliking Rachel more and more, but then I realized something. Rachel is Cassie. Everything she say's makes her sound more and more like Cassie. A person who you have to earn her trust; Cassie. A person who is brave; Cassie. And I finaly decided something, I dont hate Rachel. 

And thats when he came. The alarms were blaring, and all that went through my mind was, two in in one week? that is unheard of! I booked it to the elevator shaft, and waited for the girl to arrive. Except for one tiny little detail I was missing; this was no girl. as I looked up to see the crowd that had gathered, an down to see the boy in the shaft, I realized I must look like a psychopath to this boy because of the expression I wore. 

"Everyone go back to your positions! Me and Sonya will sort this out!" I yelled. As Sonya approached with a puzzled look, I realized she hadn't seen the boy yet. She went down to the shaft to take a look, and I gave a hidden laugh as her face became even more confused. 

"Everyone! Leave!" She shouted at once. I jumped down into the shaft and held out a hand for the boy to take. 

"Come on, I won't bite." I said. He had olive skin and dark hair, and he was taller than most everyone in the Glade. He took my hand and I helped him up and out of the shaft. Once we were out I saw everyone had left with a few straggler's in the distance, gossiping between themselves. 

"I know more than most of you do, I was sent to help you escape the..." the boy was cut of as a girl leaped on him. She was on top of him and holding him in an embrace, and then to my surprise, it was the now former chirp, Rachel. 

"Stick it Skip! Get off the poor boy! Where are your manners?!" I shouted, and trying to ward off a smile that was unavoidable as I noticed another reseblance between Rachel and Cassie. No personal boundaries; Cassie. The smile won on my face and I let out a laugh. Sonya looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Sonya, give our former-chirp the tour. I need to talk to the new one." as I helped Rachel off of the boy I heard a faint whisper from the boy that went into Rachel ears. It must have been good, because I saw Rachel's face light up. I decided it was between them and that I shouldnt interfere, and then I helped the boy up. I watched as Sonya and Rachel walked off into the Glade for their tour. 

"You have a name, skip?" I asked, because if he knew about the maze, and could even possibly save us, I'm pretty sure he knew his name.

"I got a name all right," He said looking off into the distance where Rachel had walked off to, his short drak hair waving. then he turned to me. "I'm Aris. And im gonna help you get out of here." He smiled and acted like I should have known his name.

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