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Wait-what? I can't be thinking straight. I must be seeing things. Surely that is not the sun. Surely I must have died and am now awakening into some kind of afterlife. But when my eyes shift to the left and the right, I see the familiar maze walls. How...how did we...can this really be happeing?

I sit up and look at Aris who is drowning in sweat and entire skin dyed red. I feel so painfully sorry for him until I see Harriet who looks even worse than she did last night. I am not even sure this is the same girl who had jumped into the crate, pulling me into the Glade that first day. Perhaps Aris and I had accidentally brought some kind of monster instead of Harriet. I move closer to the grusome sight of a human being and almost believe my theory that it isn't human at all until it speaks my name. "Rachel?"

My pace quickens but I'm not sure why. I should be happy Harriet is alive even if she is terrible condition. "Yes Harriet, it's me Rachel. We survived a night in the maze. And Aris and I are going to get you out of here and put you some place safe." I almost laugh when I say we survived. It sounds ridiculous, impossible. But no, we did it. We survived. I let the warm reality sink in.

I don't know why, but I feel like I want to kiss Aris again. I want to wrap my arms around him and rejoice; just be happy and not have the moment ever end, ever change. But that idea is even more ridiculous than the fact that we survived a night in this torturous hell.

"Oh my gosh," I hear Aris say behind me, "Rachel?"

I spin around and practically bounce towards him, jump on top of him. "I'm here. We did it Aris, we're alive."

I don't think any negative thoughts. I let Aris cradle me on his lap, let him hold me like I'm a small child. I forget how crazy my day dream is, and I let myself be lapsed in it, forgetting all the questions I have, all the bad things that could still happen to us. I can see Aris forgets it too. We laugh like heck and it is the first time since I've come to the maze that I've felt truly alive. Truly happy. But not all good things last forever. Aris pulls my head towards him, and this time I do not feel surprised or uncomfortable at first. I welcome the kiss he is about to give me. But then- Harriet screams.

"I HATE YOU!!!!!"

I am thrown back into reality. I jump off Aris's lap as quickly as I had jumped on it. The fear, worry, confusion, and utter terror swarm back into me just as quickly as they had left.

"What the-Harriet what's wrong?" I'm glad Aris speaks because I am too stunned to.

I hear a strange groan coming from the beast that's left of Harriet. I should not be surprised if she hates me, but if what she is saying is implied to Aris I don't know what he possibly come of done to hurt her. He dragged her all the way until he lost everything in him.

The thirst comes to me. The hunger. The tiredness. I am too exhausted to deal with Harriet right now.

"YOU..." says Harriet between groans. "BOTH OF YOU. YOU'RE HERE TO KILL US!"

My mind dashes back to two nights ago when Beth told me I was going to kill them when she tried to attack me. Harriet looks much too weak to attack me, but I fear her none the less. First it was just me, but now Aris is being threatened too? I look at Aris who looks only half confused. What does he know that I don't? I am suddenly craving answers again. So...many...questions. Will it ever end?

Suddenly I hear movement coming from a few yards away. I don't need to see, I know exactly what it is. "C'mon," I say standing up and already pulling Aris up. "We're getting out of here."

Aris has a little harder time standing up and I remember about his ankle. Quickly I bend down, my body on autopilot. I look at it carefully, observing it with as minimal movement as possible. I can see the shin bone protruding from above his ankle. The entire foot is pointed at an odd inward angle. It is swollen and 20 shades of black and blue. It looks horrible and I can't imagine how much pain he must be in. Somehow i recognize it as a dislocation, which is extremely painful, but an easy fix.

I don't remember in my mind popping someone's ankle back into place, but apparently my body does. I sit Aris back down again. "This might hurt a bit, but it'll feel much better when I'm done," I explain. He nods. "Alright, ready?" I brace one hand against the bone just above his ankle and my other against his foot."1, 2, 3...." In one short jerk, I pop it back into its socket. Aris lets out a short squeal, but then thanks me. I pull him by the arm to help stand up again. We both look at Harriet. "Should we just leave her? There's a chance she might die anyway." I feel bad for not feeling much about Harriet's injury, but Aris looks at me like I just insulted him.

"No choice. We're bringing her. Period."

I don't know why he must care for Harriet so much but I don't pester him. I let him pick her up. I can tell it's slightly easier for him to carry her, but he is still weak. I can't help but try and help him with the load a little bit.

We make our way towards the entrance of the maze, running as fast as we can, though in our condition it's more like fast walking then running. I hear more grievers and body starts to tense up in panic. I shake it off the best I can. I feel like I want to be strong for Aris, though it's more than likely he's trying to be strong for me. That's useless, I don't need anyone to be strong for me.

I heave out a breath of relief when I see the maze doors, open and beautiful green glass growing out side of them. Aris's eyes show he is just as relieved as I am. C'mon Rachel you can make it. Harriet screams crazy and obscure things as we make our way along. I try to ignore them the best I can. My best is not very good.

Finally I see a head out the maze doors. It's Izzy. Her jaw drops at the sight of us. "Oh my...how did you..." she asks when we finally reach the glorious doors of the maze.

"Been asking the same thing myself." I don't remember my breathing ever being this heavy. I glance at Aris who is still soaked in sweat and bright red. I must look just as hidieous.

"Harriet!" Izzy says finally really seeing what -or more accuratelty who- we were carrying. "What the heck happened?"

"Griever sting, get her somewhere safe fast. She's going through the changing and she's saying some pretty...loud stuff," Aris is panting but sounds more than impatient. I take note that he does not call what Harriet has been saying as crazy or out right mad, which may indicate she may not be wrong. Izzy nods and a few of the others whisk her away, probably going to give her the Grief Serum.

I turn towards Aris, who looks just as pained and exhausted as I probably do. "We did it. We really did," I say more to myself than him. He grins.

Suddenly a look of terror flashes in his eyes. "Whats wrong?"

His eyes get panicy and he starts franticaly patting his hands over his body.

"Oh God, no no no!" He cries.

"What?" Too many questions.

"I lost it."

"Lost what?" I ask again, feeling somewhat irritated.

"My bag I lost my bag! Bloody hell!"

"What bag, Aris?"

He dropped to his knees and shook his head in despair

I decide to talk more with him about it later, now seems like a bad time. I don't know much about this bag of his, but by the way he talks about it, it seems important. I feel nervousness in the pit of my stomach and I know this is serious. I make a mental note to come back to the subject. I am too exhausted now. Hands grab me and push me up as I almost pass out onto the ground. My eyesight is hazy but I believe it is Sonya and Marley who are helping me walk along to who knows where. "I'm so glad you're alive," I hear Sonya say. Finally all strength leaves me as my body realizes I'm safe now and have nothing to be strong about. My vision goes dark and I pass away into another world.

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