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The her who had uttered the words stood at the side of the open crate-or elevator-or whatever this was and hopped in landing directly on her feet like she's had tones of practice. The word practice jumps out at for a moment as if it is reminding me of something. If only I knew what.

The girl has dark skin and beautiful long dark brown hair reaching almost her stomach. But her skin looks rough and worn out and I suddenly look at me hands wondering what I look like.

"My name's Harriet," says the girl in a tone of voice that sounds...proud. She holds herself up in a brave and strong sort of manner. She definitely does not look someone to mess with, not that I am in a place to mess with anyone. "Can I get a name from you?"

"Rachel," I say. It's the only thing I truly know. I hope it will not be the only I will ever know, ever remember.

"Welcome Rachel," says Harriet though she doesn't sound entirely welcoming. "Can I get an age?"

I search my empty brain, pounding on the walls inside me keeping me from anything I know. Though the idea of knowing anything else feels impossible and by trying to break that impossibility I am met with frustration and anxiety. The walls inside me making it my consequence for what I've done.

For a moment I forget I have been asked a question but Harriet snaps, "Rachel-"

"No!" I shout and shake my head vigorously. "I...I only know my name."

Harriet faces turns down as if in disappointment. She sighs. "Oh well, then you're just like the others. C'mon now Chirp."

Chirp. Such a strange word.

"Whats that?" I ask timidly.

"Ya know Chirp? Newbie, new kid, rookie....chirp"

I nodded.

She extends her hand towards me and I hesitantly grab it. I don't know her, I didn't recongnize a single face in the crowd, would i ever recongnize anyone? I suddenly think of the male who had entered my mind for a split second. But as I search around I only see females here.

Harriet's other arm is taken by an almost pale white girl with dazzling blond hair while my other arm is snatched by a tan girl with short brown hair. Harriet and I eventually let go of our grasp on eachother and grab hold of the ground above. I push myself up with all my strength, feeling suddenly weak when I land safely on the cool, green... grass. I imagine fields of it and people playing on it, but no memory of being there and doing anything with anyone.

Harriet has stood up and everyone has surrounded above me, making me feel smaller than I did in the elevator.

"Looks about fifteen or sixteen, seventeen tops," says a girl with curly red hair surely standing out in the crowd.

"Just another new glader," says the girl with brown hair who helped me out.

New glader. Just like the others. I must not be the only one who gone through this confusing experience, but why? And how? What does this all mean?

"What's going on?" I feel a collision of emotions, fear, confusion, worry. Worry of what? I don't know.

"Alright listen up!" shouts Harriet who positions herself in front of me and faces the group. "Sonya and I are going to show her around like the usual." She turns to look at the girl with the blond hair who helped her up at the name Sonya. "The rest of you go back to your duties."

A few groans and murmers come out from the crowd but everyone does as they are told. Harriet must be some kind of leader. But I don't know her so how can I trust her? And what is out here to show me? What will I experience next?

The Dark Side of the MazeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin