22- Blind Mind pt.1

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Rachel's P.O.V.

The clammoring of the Grievers shook me awake. I jolted up and looked around frantically, then I calmed down when I remembered what had happened.

The reason I fled Aris to go to the makeshift hospital wasn't really to help with my wounds, I needed time to think. The white coats checked up on my previous injuries, which was really only some light bruising on my neck, and my scalded hip, which was fixed pretty quick with some ointment. Truth is, I was fine, I just needed time to fully consider a plan I had been formulating.

Aris's memories were spotty and left useless, like a puzzle without all the peices. We needed a few memories to fill some voids. From what Aris had said, I was involved in some of the creating of this hellhole, and maybe I had the mind to get us out. The only problem was my memories were locked behind steel doors with no key...... there is only one way I could think of. Only one way to unlock my memories. ....and it is probably the most stick-slipping damn plan there is, and maybe its the trauma I've been through, the desperation of escaping, or maybe I'm just crazy....but I'm gonna get stung by a Griever.

The storms return periodically, each worst than the rest. We cannot predict their occurance, they are too spontaneous. Each time they destroy more. The end is getting closer, who knows what is next?

I whip my feet over the edge of my bed. I need to hurry, before I come to my senses.

I almost step on Aris's hand in the process of lacing up my shoes.

I cant help but smile as he sleeps on the floor beside my bed, as if guarding me. His dark hair flops over his olive-skinned for forehead. I smile as he slips out a light snore.

I bend over and gently press a kiss on his cheek.

He jerks awake and I curse under my breath.

"Rachel, where are you going?"

"No where," I lie.

"Are the Grievers outside?" Almost in response, a blood curling scream echoes in the Glade. My blood runs cold when I hear the cries from below as I know my time window is closing and the Grievers have claimed another victim.

"Yes," I say hiding the tension in my voice.

"Then stay here with me," he says and grabs my hand.

I shake his hand loose. "Sorry this is something I need to do," I say as I slam the door. I run down the stairs and push myself through the door. I look around and see a clump of Grievers advancing back into the maze, holding a limp lifeless girl in its sticky blubber. I try not to wonder who it is. Instead I run towards the closest one. I pray silently that they will just sting me rather than kill me.

I hear shouts from behind me.

"Don't do it Chirp!" Sonya screams.

"Don't you freaking do it, stick!!" someone, I think Elizah yells.

"Rachel!" Aris shouts in my head. A sharp pain shoots through my skull.

"Damn it Aris, get outta my head!" I scream at him.

"Rachel, are you mad?" I hear hurt creeping into his tone. I can't see him, but I can hear him choking back sobs. I can almost see the pain in his eyes as he calls out the next phrase.

"Don't do it, please.....I love you..."

I almost freeze dead in my tracks.

"I- I- Iove you to Aris, and I'm sorry," I whisper back.

Then I collide with the Griever.


Its sticky flesh absorbs me and I stumble back. The whirs and clanks fill my ears. I block out the shouts of the Gladers behind me. I see horrifying flashes of light glinting off metal blades. A delicate rain makes a ping noise as it ricochet off shiny shears and mechanic knives. I swallow my fear as a glistening point stretches towards me. I freeze as it peirces my abdomen. I hear a scream echo in my brain and shake through my bones, not recognizing it as my own. How adrenaline rushes through my veins as I propel myself from the Griever, just as it punctures my flesh again and again, stinging me 3 times. I collapsed on the grass as far as I could from the hunk of metal and blubber. The beast seems unfazed by me and continues to slither away into the dark expanse of the Maze.

The adrenaline cools through my firey veins and send ice through my blood, washing all the energy from my body. I suddenly feel the pain coarsing through me. It shoots in waves, sending agony in all directions.

I thrash and writhe on the ground.

Hazy images of hands wrapping around me and muffled shouts fill my head. I feel the prick of a needle in my arm and feel soothing liquid flowing in my arteries. The edges of my vision go dark. Blackness consumes me and I feel the world disappearing. .....

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