"You don't know shit, Michael." He spits.

"Why are you such an asshole all the time Luce? I'm so tired off your shitty attitude! I raise my voice. He seems to sink further into his bed.

He looks at me with that "I'm going to kill you slowly." look again.

"Atleast I didn't call my best friend slut." He states firmly. 

I tense up.

"You know... I trusted you Michael. I never thought you would do that to me. I trusted you more then I trusted anyone else. I guess I shouldn't have." He chokes out.

I don't know what to answer to that.

"Stop blaming the end of our friendship only on me. It was your fault too." Honestly? it was entirely my fault. He scoffs.

"You're such a fucking douche Michael! I'm glad you're not in my life anymore!" He almost yells.

I get up from his bed in a haste. "Oh Yeah? WELL I'M GLAD I'M NOT FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE AS DISGUSTING AS YOU!" I yell. I regret it in an instant, but at the same time I don't. He's such a douche, he deserves everything I said.

"Get out." Luci whispers. His lip quivers and he folds his hands in his lap. 

"I said get out." he spits.

So I did.



When the door finally closed and Michael was out of my room I broke down. I can't stop the tears from running down my cheeks and I hate it. I want it to stop, I hate crying. My hands wouldn't stop shaking. I wanted to yell at them to be still, but I don't want anyone to question my sanity. You lost your sanity a long time ago.

I thought that maybe, maybe Michael changed. But obviously he hasn't. My room feels way to small and I dont want to stay in here. But I definelty don't want to go outside. It's bright outside. I want it to be dark. So I covered my window with my curtain and shut my lights off. I layed down under my blankets.

Ofcourse, someone had to knock on my door. And then they walked in. I didn't bother to turn around at look though. "Hey Luce, are you going to okay?" Cas murmured. "I'll be fine, ijust wanna be alone." I mutter. "Okay, just tell me if you want to talk, I love you, you know?"

"Love you too Cas." I hear the door close. I will probably go for a walk tonight. I will have to get myself together by monday. Yeah get yourself together slut. I cant let Michael effect me this much, I have already had a shitty week. But he's right, You're disgusting. I will just have to fake it until i make it like always, then i will feel better. Hopefully.


When everyone was asleep I snuck out of the house. I'm currently walking down some empty park. There is some bars a few streets away. I might go there. 


"Do you want to come with me to my apartment?" The guy with green eyes asked. "Sure handsome." I slur and slide of the bar stool. He guides me out of the bar. 

Apparently, he was sober enough to drive, so we took his car. "So why were you at the bar in the middle of the night?" The guy asked. I dont remember his name, Alex or something. "I was looking for hot guys like you." Red and yelow lights flashed by outside. He chuckles and puts one of his warm hands on my thigh. "So can I have your number or is this a one time thing babe?" The guy purrs. "You will just have to wait and see."

29th of september


I walk into the kitchen. My brothers and sadly the winchesters are sitting there having brunch together. "Why did you come home so early this morning Luci? where were you!?" Cas asks. He's not actually worried about you, why would anyone worry about you? "Just slept with some dude." If Michael think i'm a slut, then i'll be a slut. "seriously? Who?" Gabriel frowns. "Some guy I met at a bar." I opened the refrigerator and took the milk. "Dude? w-what if he was some kind of, some kind of freak? What would you do then?" Gabriel stutters out. I shrug and sit down with my cereal. "Seriously Luci? Grow up, That could have gone really bad, you shouldn't go home with strangers." Michael chimes in. I laugh loudly. They all just stare at me like I'm crazy. "Are you serious?" I say when I have finally calmed down. He just stares at me. "Go fuck yourself Michael." After that nobody said anything. It's a pretty awkward silence. But I don't care. Awkward silences doesn't scare me. When I'm done I just leave my dishes in the sink and wander up the stairs. I can hear them talking in hushed voices behind me.

I closed my door and flopped down on my bed. You're worthless, you're such a slut. I put a pillow over myhead. "Go away."

 I'm not going anywhere

Many Words (Destiel, Sabriel And Michifer highschool au)Where stories live. Discover now