Imagine #65: Jungkook

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"Crystal Snow" is my second favortie japanese song of Bangtan (bc my ult is let go hehe) in this imagine, the lyrics you'll read are in english and those lyrics are my very own translation of the song ㅋㅋㅋ i wanna upload a cover of it but sadly, I sound like a dying whale when I sing lmao

Support and shower RM and #mono ya'll!! He deserves all the love! ♡♡♡

"Girl, your smile is as cold as the upcoming season." Hani told you and you shrugged as a reply. "Seriously, what's going on with you these days? You seem so gloomy."

"I'm just tired, Hani." you replied before yawning. "My paperworks are on fire nowadays. I can't even get at least 3 hours of sleep."

"Christ." she said, "Want me to help you? I'm half through mine."

"Thank you but I can do it." you smiled at her.

"If you say so." she said before looking ahead.

You did the same and felt the wind blow onto your face. The breeze is getting colder since winter is almost here. A shiver goes through your spine and you tucked your hands in your pockets to warm them a little.

"I'm looking forward to your song." Hani said making you look at her. "Will you be the one singing it on Friday?"

"I don't know. I sound like a dying whale." you laughed.

You bumped into the school's music and arts director last month which made you drop everything you were carrying. He helped you and he saw your lyric notebook open. He asked if you were the one who wrote the lyrics and you hesitantly said yes. He loved them and he asked you to compose him a new one and sing it in front of the whole school, as a reward he's giving you a whole quarter excemption. You agreed but was totally nervous because you never sang to a crowd nor showed other people your compositions.

"Y/N, I've heard you singing in the field before and you sounded amazing!"

"That was a mistake."

"No. It was a discovery." she countered and you laughed. "I'm serious!"

"Sure you are." you said. "Any suggestions?"

"Huh? On what?"

"The one who'll be singing." you replied, "Any suggestions?"

"What? Y/N, I told you-"

"Maybe Taehyung." you cut her off, tapping your chin whilst thinking. "Ah- he's out of my league."


"How about Jimin?" you asked yourself, "Nope. Too out of my league."

"Y/N. Just liste-"

"Jaehwan?" you continued, "Ah no. He's busy and-"


You jumped when Hani screamed. "Woah easy tiger. What is it?"

"God dammit. You're smart but you're stupid as fuck." she laughed. "You, you idiot!"


"Yes you! Sing your own song!"

"You're joking, right?" you chuckled and she shooked her head. "I told you, I'm will not sing. In front of the whole school? Hell no."

"But Y/N!"

"A no is a no, Hani." you told her before smiling. "I'll find my singer."

"Finally!" you blurted out in satisfaction, flopping on your bed. "Finished at last!"

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