감 사!

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3.08K reads???? ♥______♥

I love you guys! So much!

I hope you'll continue to support this book! Mwah! ♥♥

Oh yeah...

I already published my tagalog story which is a Jimin fanfic. ^_^ In which Jimin is a mythical creature or something. Hehe.

I am working on an english story which is a BTS, GOT7 and EXO fanfic ^_^ Here, the boys all have a crush on the girl. But one of them had already met her in the past, HE, just can't remember.

And I have another story which is a Jungkook fanfic also! Hehe! In which the both of them dream of each other in various scenarios, waking up, wearing some things on them which they wore in their dream.

I hope you support it as well! Hehe! Love u guys! ♥

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