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Josh's POV

   I sprinted as fast as I could to my run down maroon car in the garage and drove over to Tyler's house after calling an ambulance. I knew he wasnt in the house since Jenna had already checked.
   I stood there out in the cold weather for a few minutes as it started to snow. Holding my head in my hands, and trying to think of where he could be. Until it dawned on me, The Forest.

   It had been 3 days...and Tyler was still in a coma...from overdosing on pain medication. No one else had stopped by except for Jenna occasionally,whereas even when the nurses told me to go home I stayed by the small boy's side. I held his hand and spoke to him hoping he could hear me. But when everyone else was asleep and no one was watching I sat there in the cold plastic chair...and I cried. I hadn't cried so much in one week for so long...i hadn't been able to feel much of anything until I met Tyler. Still for the sake of others I put on a smile and acted happy,like I still had emotion and kindness in my heart...
   It was only when I saw Tyler that I started feeling again,which is why I watched him for so long that day on the bus.
   The nurse walked in and my head was in my hands,with tear stains on my cheeks and puffy red eyes. It had now been almost a month...and still, Tyler slept.
   I ran my fingers through my unruly yellow hair as the nurse nudged my shoulder,
   "Hey I've noticed you're the only one here. Other than that sweet blonde, Jenna I think you called her? So...what's your relationship with Tyler here? Is he your relative,friend...boyfriend?"
   She said kindly. I didnt exactly know what we were so I told her we wer-are close friends. She simply smiled and nodded and then continued to babble on about how I should "stay positive" and "keep my head up" or something else very unoriginal and I could only stare back at her blankly with a fake and very weak smile plastered to my face. She just kept talking about how the odds were extremely slim and that I "needed to have faith". I smiled again bigger this time,hoping she would leave and stop giving me all this bs. I hadn't showered in multiple days and when I did I always rushed so that I could get back to the fragile boy that I had come to love so dearly. I didn't eat,I hardly slept,the only thing that kept me going was Jenna and my love for Tyler. Every time Jenna stopped by she brought me food and made me eat, but I had already lost about 11lbs at least. Still even with everything that was going on around me I kept by Tyler's side,waiting for him to wake up...and come back to me.
   Since the snow had gotten so bad, school had been out for a few days so it wasnt like we were missing much of anything,and even if it hadn't been snowing I still wouldnt have left Tyler. I knew we hadn't known each other for that long at all...but I felt a certain connection to him that I hadn't felt before..it was like,I finally had hope again. Like maybe things could be okay, and a lot had happened since I met him.
   Something the nurse said was hanging in my mind now... "boyfriend" she had said...I then realized that this boy was my whole world...I didnt want to...nor could I let him go. I didnt want to share and I never wanted to leave his side...I never wanted to lose him. I walked over to the bed and pulled up the plastic chair beside the sleeping boy,holding his delicate little hand in both of mine and lying my forehead down against the edge of the hospital mattress, before falling asleep.
   I woke up in the middle of the night as one of the nurses was just stepping out from checking on Tyler. I was mesmerized by the snow outside the window and watched it floating violently in the cold November wind. With the orange streetlights casting a warm glow in the,otherwise dark room.
   As I sat there staring outside at the cold fluffy white flakes some lyrics came to my mind. Since no one else was around except for the beautiful boy before me I thought that he might be able to hear me singing and after debating with myself...I decided that I would,but only for Tyler.
   My voice was raspy and gravelly from the lack of sleep and eating and from stressing about if Tyler would pull through...and the constant flow of tears made my voice almost nasally sounding...but I started to sing anyway,
   "Oh...miss believer....my...pretty sleeper...your twisted mind...is like snow on the road..."
   I thought of the word miss as in 'not'...since he didnt believe things could get better...
   I continued to sing as the heart monitor kept time like a metronome.
   But as I sang the lyrics,
   "I...will tell you.....i... love you..."
   the heart monitors beats slowly started to quicken, and I got scared. I wasnt sure if he'd wake up...or......if I'd lose him...and then and there I did something I never thought I'd do again...I prayed...

Tyler's Angel-Book One-A Joshler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now