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Josh's POV

Tyler had only been out the door for about 2 minutes before I heard it open,and then slam shut.
My dad was home.
He yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I slowly walked towards them hoping he hadn't seen Tyler leave.
"Tell me RIGHT NOW who the HELL that boy is,"
He continued to yell as he always did,and I began to feel guilty,but I didnt know exactly what for.
"I want answers RIGHT NOW JOSHUA!"
He began to get louder. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair, noticing I was already beginning to tremble.
"N-no one sir,I just met him today,and we only played a video game..."
I could hear the trembling in my voice as I spoke,which only provoked him further.
"Get your ass down here,"
He said more quietly this time,he was always quiet right before he got violent. I knew that if I obeyed it might not be as bad,so I cautiously walked down the steps hoping I wouldn't make him more angry.
He turned around,one hand on his hip the other rubbing his face,which had an angry expression settled deeply into it.
I looked down,and he circled me,as if he was thinking about what he should do to me.
Before I could think another thing i felt a sharp pain course through my jaw,i fell to the ground,with tears stinging the backs of my eyes.
I stayed down knowing that it would be over quicker if I did. He threw the metal toe of his boot into my side once...and then again,and I started coughing.
That's when I noticed the blood on the floor.
My dad seemed happy with his work as he stepped back smirking with a grunt,before grabbing his brown leather jacket from the back of the couch and heading back out the door,to only god knew where.

I went into the bathroom and analysed my jaw and ribs. I could still taste the blood in my mouth,while pulling up my shirt to reveal a large dark purple bruise. I could see that he had broken the skin in one small spot.
The bruise over my ribs could be hidden fairly easily,but the one on my face was a different story. I looked at the blue mark,and decided that it could be covered up enough with makeup for the next day of school.
I felt dirty after being kicked around,so I took off my clothes,carefully,as not to summon more pain from my side,and got in the shower letting the cool water run over my new bruises,and old scars from previous beatings.

Tyler's POV

As I walked out the door of Josh's house I saw a blue rusted pick up truck coming down the road. I continued walking to my house hoping that no one would see me...hoping I could just disappear...and vanish from exsistance.
I finally reached my house,but instead of going inside I walked to the backyard and straight into the forest.

I could feel him hovering right behind my eyes...waiting...watching...I closed my eyes tightly,before he decided it was time to play.
"Are you happy now? You let that boy get in between you and your happiness. Hes just going to break you like everyone else,he doesn't care,and he never will. You think he likes you?! Well you're wrong,its only pity,"
I tripped over a twisting root from the tall thick trees that seemed to loom over me. It was starting to get dark and I felt even more small and insignificant being surrounded by the forest.
I fell and hit my head on the ground,hard. I squinted in pain,looking up at the slowly darkening sky swirling above me through the gnarled branches and dying leaves.
"Tyler,you're all alone...its time for a little fun now. Who's gonna stop you?"
I sat up slowly,placing my back against the nearest tree,he had a point. No one loved me...and I needed to distance myself from Josh before he and I both got hurt...
"The knife...get out the knife..."
I felt that familiar chill slowly creep down my spine,and saw my vision take a red tint,he was in control.
When he takes control it still feels like I'm making the decisions,but he has the real power.
I reached into my hoodie and brought out the pocket knife...the one my dad had gotten me all those years ago...
With one swipe I opened it and gazed with wonder and the shining black metal. I could see the reflection of his red eyes staring back at me. He grinned a smile that would've struck horror into anyone else who might've witnessed what was taking place,but I wasn't afraid...I was him and he was me...we were a monster...
I rolled up my sleeve looking at all the scars I had made over the years...the lightest one marking my first scar...from the day I started...I was 12 back then...now I was 16 and the scars had only become bigger and darker as they went along with time.
"I'm only trying to make things better...this will help I promise..."
Blurry whispered in an assuring tone.
"This is the drug to fix you...let's fix you Tyler..."

We placed the blade onto our skin,the cool metal was enough to make us both excited. We pushed deep into our flesh feeling the blood starting to pool on our arm,as we dragged it further across a vein hidden far under the surface of the skin.
"That's it...ah-...keep going..."
Blurry said in a voice that sounded so pleased it pushed me to go further.

Tyler's Angel-Book One-A Joshler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now