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Josh's POV

   I walked out the door hating every second that I was away from Tyler and despising every step I had to take away from him.
   I walked across the road and finally reached the gravel driveway. I saw the blood on the small rocks,and something somewhere inside me snapped.
   I opened the door and ran up to my room without an explanation or anything else to the man I used to call my dad, and he seemed to be too drunk to be able to stand upright by that point anyway.
   I was seventeen and soon enough I would be considered an adult.
   I couldn't think about anything but how angry I was at my father as I threw the very few clothes and things i had into a suitcase.
   Jenna had agreed to let me stay with her until i could find an apartment,and I hoped that Tyler might join me.
   But for now I had to get my shit together and then go unleash all the anger and pain I had towards my dad at him while he still couldn't stand.

   I left everything but the small box TV and my furniture and shelves. I had lots of books,and records,my playstation and all the clothes I owned,in my suitcase  even though there werent many...
   I went to the kitchen and grabbed the food that I had gone out and bought the other day when I was too scared to be home,threw it in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I saw the beer in the fridge and opened the back door and threw it violently onto the ground.
   I got my things to the door and dropped them on the hardwood boards.
   I clenched my teeth as I turned around to face the drunken incoherent man who had become a stranger to me by this point.
   I glared at him and he just smirked up at me. It took everything I had in me not to punch him right then and there but I had promised myself I would never let myself turn into him. I paced back and fourth,until he spoke up,
   "So ow'sat faggot bofrin of ors!"
   He slurred,and at that moment I decided this would be my only exception,since it was for Tyler.
   I turned on my heel to face him and put all the weight of my body behind my fist as it connected with his face.
   He let out a groan of anger and agony,but I hoped one day he would remember this when he was about to beat someone else.
   "Listen you goddamned bitch,you will never be my father not for as long as I live,and long after I'm dead you will stay a stranger and I hope no one ever has to see that awful side of yours again! You can AND WILL stay away from Tyler and so help me God if I hear about you even touching my mother or Tyler or anyone else for that matter ever again I will have you put in prison! You mean nothing to me and you arent going to hurt anyone anymore. You had better count yourself lucky that I havent called the police on you already, and the only reason I havent done that yet is because I dont want my sisters to see you the way I have to see you...I hope they never have to find out,and I hope they dont visit enough to see this part of you..."
   I thought for a moment before I added,
   "And I wish I didnt have to say it because no one should ever have to say this,not even to some man who used to be their father...but I genuinely hate you...and I hope I never see you again..."
   I said as I threw the backpack over my shoulder once again and slammed the door behind me.

Tyler's Angel-Book One-A Joshler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now