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Tyler's POV
   I woke up that day just as I would, any other. The alarm was blaring with the red blinking numbers 5:31,and pain splintering from every corner of my mind,out into the rest of my body.
   I slid my hands out from under the covers and held my head in agonizing pain. Looking at the clock across the room I realized I had to get up and turn it off. I stood and walked to the dresser opposite my bed,pressed the button,and proceeded to open my closet.
   I didnt remember what day it was,because in my mind days have a way of blurring together into madness and nonsense. I looked inside the double doors and peered at the dark clothing that hung on the racks.
   At a non motivated pace I put on my white tshirt and black skinny jeans,being sure to grab my black hoodie from the back of my desk chair, before heading out the door into the bathroom.
   I walked into the small second story room and closed the door quietly as not to wake anyone. I glanced at the mirror,seeing his red eyes flash at me...and as he did every morning he greeted me saying,
  "Well look at you,off to school again I suppose?How about we skip school and head straight for the forest,and,bring your knife along."
   I closed my eyes tightly before replying slowly in my mind,
   "Go away blurry...this isn't a good time...I've got to go today or I'll get suspended...you know that..."
   He pulled the corner of my mouth up into a devious smirk.
   "Fine,we will play later"
   The words sent a cold sharp chill down my spine,and just as quickly as he had come,he left...

   I shook my head vigorously,trying to get his thoughts out of my head,and then opened the door and walked slowly down the creaking,faded,wooden steps. My eyes shifted over to the clock,in the kitchen.
   My mom had just come home an hour ago from her shift at the bar and was now sound asleep. My dad had divorced our mom some time ago,and my brother had moved out as soon as he turned 18.
   I walked out the back door onto the porch,and started staring at the dying brown and yellow leaves of the forest that had now taken a grey tint due to the mist of the morning.
   A couple of minutes had passed before I heard the familiar sound of my bus pulling up and then squealing at its hault.
   With my head down I watched the dead grass crunching under my Vans while I walked up to the bus,but as I looked up to go to my seat I noticed a boy sitting there on the opposite side. I had never seen this boy before,his bright yellow hair was the only color I could see compared to the gloom of all the dull colors surrounding me.
   I snapped back to reality once I noticed the boy's gaze meet mine. I sat in my seat across from his,and kept quiet as not to break the silence. I felt his dark brown cappuccino colored eyes glance at me,but I kept staring out the window.
   I knew he was probably just looking around at nothing in particular,but the thought that he could be looking at me made me uneasy. I put on my hoodie and pulled the sleeves down making sure none of my arm was showing,before I fell asleep against the cool glass of the window.

Tyler's Angel-Book One-A Joshler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now