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Tylers POV

My eyes opened and I saw the bright sunlight shining through my black curtains. I sat there for a while watching the dust dance in the golden light,as the memories of the night before flooded back into my mind.
I smirked to myself remembering Josh's smile,and body,and how he sat with me in front of the fireplace,and then carried me to bed.
Turning over I grabbed my phone off of my bedside table and clicked it on.
There was still some dried blood on the screen so I rubbed it off,smelling the familiar metallic scent,which started to bring unwanted memories back into my mind,so I pushed them away.


I was so glad that it was finally the weekend,and I didnt have to face Brendon again today.
I stretched and yawned still groggy from being asleep. I acknowledged that my body was achy in some places from last night,but it was achy in a good way.
I got up slowly,and noticed I was still wearing Josh's hoodie,he was never getting this back. I pulled it up over my nose,a mix of honey and pine needles and trees, God I loved that smell.
I shivered at how cold I was,and shuffled over,as the floor creaked,to grab some black jeans and throw them on along with my socks.
For the first time in years I actually felt okay today.

I practically skipped down the stairs and saw my mom rubbing the bridge of her nose tiredly,with a hand on her hip as she had just come back home,late, from work.
"I got home late this morning because of some asshole who wouldn't leave and was threatening people. He probably should spend less money on alcohol and more on that shit pickup truck of his..."
My mom said angrily but too tired to care as she walked into her bedroom and closed the door roughly behind her.

I knew I was probably just being clingy,but in that moment all I wanted to do was see Josh,so I texted him.

T:Hey Josh! I wanna see you,do you think I could come over today?

He wasnt responding so I finally decided to call him. The phone rang several times before I heard his sweet voice say,
"This is Josh,I am busy at the moment leave a message,"
And then it beeped.
"Hey sleepyhead,wake up I wanna come see you,I'm gonna head over there in a few minutes so I'll see you then!"
I said playfully,through my smile.

It was now around 7:30 and Josh still hadn't texted me back so I decided I would walk over and go see him,but before I left the house i made sure to put on some chapstick.
I walked over and knocked on the door,noticing the rusty blue truck in the driveway.
The door swung open and a tall, barrel chested man answered it,he was still lean but he had a bit of a stomach. He looked me over as if I had just taken his scotch from his hand,with anger and shock.
"Who are you and what in the hell do you want!?"
I felt my shoulders sink,as I smelled the alcohol on his breath,making myself a bit smaller unintentionally.
"...I-I...I'm one o-of Josh's fri-ends and I was ho-ping to s-see him to-day sir..."
I said in a small trembling voice. This man made me very uncomfortable,and quite honestly I was scared,it was very difficult to meet his hard glare.
He looked as if something had dawned on him,but his face still had a deep settled anger that lingered in his eyes.
"You're that boy who was over here with my son the other day...come in here."
He had a harsh tone and I was hesitant to follow his instructions,but decided it would be better to listen to the man.
I stood quietly as he glared at me,
"What's your business with my son?"
His voice was a low growl and I felt afraid in that moment,afraid to say anything.
"...w-well sir....we g-go to the sa-me school, an-"
He cut me off roaring over me,
"THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT BOY,AND YOU KNOW IT! ANSWER-...Answer the goddamned question."
He tried to quiet his voice but I could hear that he could break out into another spout of yelling at any moment.
"W-we are j-ju-just fri-ends s-sir..."
I tried to assure him,but he wasn't having any of it.

He grabbed me by the collar of Josh's hoodie,
I knew that Josh and I were still friends even if I did want to be something else. I became more sad in that moment than I was afraid.
"...w-we're j-ust....fr-...f-frie-nds..."
My voice was even smaller than I expected it to be,and I was noticeably disappointed. I could hardly get the word 'friends' to come out of my mouth as it had now hit me,that that was all we were...and that was all we would ever be.
He got quiet for a few minutes just staring at my face with a disgusted expression.
"You're lyiNG YOU FAGGOT!"
He snarled pushing me a few feet in front of him as I stumbled backwards onto the cold floor.
He gripped a fistful of my hair and yanked me onto my feet just to punch me in the stomach. I fell to my knees hunching over,almost vomiting the little food I had in my body right then and there.
He kicked me in my ribs then and I rolled over on the floor,as tears were streaming down my cheeks.
The familiar feeling of getting beaten came over me again.

I remembered my father beating me with his belt,hitting me anywhere he could,as I held up my arms trying to protect myself,lying on the ground bleeding and crying desperately for help.
Mom was screaming and trying to push him off of me,squirming to get her body in between me and the monster that my dad had become when the rage and alcohol overcame him.
I remembered this day...this was my 8th birthday...the birthday my father had given me a knife, saying he wanted me to go throwing knives with him. Since he was a navy man he very well knew how to throw knives...and punches.
I had simply asked if I was old enough to start taking piano lessons...but that was apparently something that my father referred to as 'sissy shit' and that no son of his was going to be a sissy.
He continuously yelled at me telling me I was a disappointment and asking why couldn't I be more like my brother.
He pushed my mom into a bookshelf as things toppled over onto her.
Tossing the belt aside he gripped the counter top kicking me repeatedly against the cabinets and yelling that I wasnt good enough and asking if I were his son or some sissy.

That night I cried myself to sleep as I held that knife in my little pudgy hands and I promised myself that night that I would make him proud one day.
|End of flashback|

He continued to kick me until he thought it would suffice for the moment.
"Stand up!"
He commanded and I obeyed,standing slowly to my feet, pain screaming from my ribs and abdomen, and with a whimper I was now upright.
"Now then...would you like to tell me the truth?...or are you ready for round two?"
I was crying,and biting my lip trying to hold in the sobs that threatened to slip out. I inhaled sharply and let my breath go carefully before speaking,
"...I d-id t-tell you the tr-truth s-,"
I then felt a sharp jolt of pain burst from my cheek just then and saw the blood pooling in the floor.
I cried out in pain as he grabbed me by my arms pulling me to my feet forcefully and then throwing me out the door,down the steps,and onto the gravel.
I yelped out in pain falling on the rocks as they dug under the skin on my palms and face.
He then walked beside me bending over and grabbing my ear,
"And stay away from Josh or so help me I will kill you dead."
He hissed aggressively before letting me go,stomping up the stairs and slamming the door so hard I was surprised the window didn't break.

Tyler's Angel-Book One-A Joshler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now