17|Some Kind of Halloween

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17|Some Kind of Halloween

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror checking my phone for Janelle. It's Halloween night and everyone was going to the Alpha's Halloween Bash. My friends and boyfriend decided they'd make tonight about me instead. While I appreciate the thought it didn't change a thing.

The school wasn't going to do anything about Jonah. I had no solid proof it was him, it didn't happen on campus and I wasn't sexually assaulted which meant there was nothing to report. Apparently overdosing and almost losing my life wasn't worthy of an investigation.

Daniel wanted to break Jonah's face. He hated anyone that dealt with Jonah which was basically all of his other friends from the team. He'd even stopped talking to Ethan, the guy I thought he was grooming into a best friend. His hatred is so strong that it's hard to walk past any of the players on campus without feeling awkward.

Janelle wouldn't stop talking about it. She made it her latest obsession, this investigation into my drugging. She wanted to come down hard on the alphas, take them down once and for all. Part of me knows it's to hurt Ethan while the other part knows it's because she cares. It's been getting a lot harder to tell between the two lately.

The truth is it seems like everyone has such strong emotions surrounding the situation... everyone but me. Granted I am upset, disgusted and I do feel a little hopeless but I didn't feel them with as much intensity as Daniel or Janelle. It seems like they're hell bent on making sure no one forgets this when that's what I want the most.

But it seems like this will be yet another thing I'll be forced to carry. I jumped after hearing a knock against the door, shaking my head while reminding myself it was just Daniel. I was supposed to be getting into costume but it remained on the sink unopened. I don't know why Janelle thought I wanted to be a "Red Hawwt! Power Ranger."

"Babe how's your costume coming along?" My boyfriend asked from the other side of the door. "'Cause mine is uh... we may have a problem." He added, voice strained.

"A problem? How big of a problem? Did she get the wrong costume or what?" I asked reaching for my own costume. I tore open the package and styled it over my body, grimacing at feel of the spandex. If the power rangers costume was this tight I could only imagine how tight Daniel's was.

"It's a pretty average problem f-for now. I think it's better if I show you. Can I come in?" He asked.

I'd just taken off my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. My Afro had been braided into protective plaits, courtesy of my best friend, and they hung just above my eyes. My eyes didn't have dark rings around them anymore. My body looked a little fuller, too. A smile spread across my face as I looked back into my own eyes.

I'm happy; tonight I'm happy. "Yeah come in." I said realizing I hadn't responded to him yet. I pulled the red fabric over my head as the door opened.

Daniel stepped into the bathroom in a skin-tight leather suit. The shit glistened under the fluorescent lights and almost looked like the original. "You look just like the leather thingy from Murder House." I complimented.

The suit squeaked with every step he took closer to me. It wasn't until I looked down did I noticed his "average problem." My eyes widened a bit and I gulped at my spandex. Hopefully they aren't that tight.

"Thanks. I hope wherever we're going is dark and there aren't crowds 'cause, you know, friction." He said.

I undid the strings of my pajama bottoms and let them loosen around my waist. I wasn't wearing any boxers because they got in the way a lot lately. After the past few days I've had it's hard to imagine there was ever a time when I thought I wouldn't enjoy sex. Daniel has a way of changing my perspective on a lot of things.

I chuckled. "You should be fine. But I suggest you close your eyes because I'm not wearing any underwear." I said watching his eyes bulge out of his head from the mirror. I shook my head and tried not to laugh which became easier the moment he came up behind me.

I gasped and he smirked. "Okay but first let me get a kiss." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. Daniel dipped his head low and kissed my cheek then traced my jawline with tiny kisses. Daniel's erection grew bigger and harder against my back by the second.

I shook my head. "You sure a kiss is all you want? Because it feels like you want something else to me." I managed to speak those words before he hugged me closer against him and captured my lips for a kiss. My arm travelled behind me and I sunk my fingers into his hair as a moan escaped me.

He smiled against my lips. "Sounds like you want something else too," Daniel reached down into my pajamas and grabbed hold of me. "Feels like you want something else too." He murmured before his lips traveled down my neck again.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes to cage the beast inside of me. "J-Janelle is on her way." I swallowed so hard it echoed off the bathroom walls. "A..and I s-still need to put on my costu..mm..." I bit my lip again.

Daniel swirled his tongue around the sensitive skin on my neck in a routine so slow it burned. The devious little tongue of his slipped back into his mouth and allowed his lips to take over. He sucked my neck and kissed my skin, his breathing growing heavier as he did so.

"Janelle is always late. Besides you know quick I can be." He rasped. Seems like my boyfriend is hell bent on convincing me to give in to a quickie. I snorted as I thought back to the nickname he gave himself the other day.

"Right how could I forget you're the Quickie God?" I turned around in his arms but he didn't loosen his embrace. His hands were trained to my hips and his brown eyes were fixed on my face.

I watched his lips curl into a smirk and fought one of my own. Daniel's admiring eyes were so intense that they broke down my walls and looked into my soul. I hated how easy it was for him to see right through me, even at the worst times. He let my hip go and stroked my cheek so gently it tickled.

"I'll let you get dressed, then." Said Daniel before leaving me alone in the bathroom with a smile on my face. I finished getting dressed and joined him in the room. When our friends arrived we left and had what felt like my first fun night out in forever.


Short. Filler. Long-awaited. I'm trash at updating sorry. I was gonna add more and publish around Halloween but clearly that didn't work out. So I decided to make this chapter short just to post ❤️

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