Chapter Thirty Seven

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"You have to leave?" Minho asked angrily. "I didn't take an ice bath for nothing, you know."

"We know," John said. He glared at Paul for some reason. "That's why we've been talking and now we've made a decision."

"John and George will fly back home to find our drummer," Paul explained. "But I'll stay here to help you guys find the rest of the doubles."

"Really?" Newt asked, his face lighting up at the announcement. "You'll stay?"

Paul nodded and he seemed equally happy. Weirdos. It's not like they've known each other very long, yet they act like best friends. Minho had no idea why they were so connected. Yeah, they are reincarnations of each other but that's besides the point.

"Unfortunately," George said. "Paul wouldn't budge on the fact of him staying. The only alternative was for the three of us to stay but, if we want to keep on the path of the, um, After-Dreams, we need to find our drummer."

"That sounds like the best plan," Scott agreed. "Sorry, but Paul definitely has to stay if we're going to stop these reincarnations once and for all. I'm sure you guys can manage without him for a few weeks."

"Oh, we know we can manage without him," John teased, throwing a smirk at his friend. "We're just gonna miss him, is all."

Paul rolled his eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully. "Thanks, mate. I'll miss you too."

Minho shared a grin with Thomas. They knew exactly what that kind of relationship was like.

"Alright, alright," Malia said, rolling her eyes. "Sure, you'll be fine. Sure, you'll miss him. Let's move on."

"Right," George agreed with her (for some reason). "Now, we aren't leaving just yet. And I want to make sure Paul has a place to stay while he's here. We can't afford this hotel for much longer."

"I have to agree on that fact," Stiles agreed. "As amazing as this breakfast is, we can't stay here for much longer."

"So you'll have to stay with the three of us then," Thomas reasoned. Wow, he's so smart. Minho would have had no idea what other options there were unless he explained.

"I'm pretty sure that was implied," Minho said. "The real question is, who's house will they be staying at?"

"Paul can stay at my place," Newt immediately offered and Minho was surprised to feel a twinge of jealousy at how close they already were. "The girls can stay in the spare bedroom at Tommy's and Stiles and Scott can stay with Minho. That alright?"

Minho wanted to protest about Paul but it wouldn't change anything. He nodded, along with everyone except Thomas.

"Why do I have to host the girls?" He asked. "Minho's place has plenty of spare bedrooms and I don't know how do be a proper host."

"Because I don't want to take care of four people," Minho answered.

"And I'm sure the girls can take care of themselves," Scott assured him. "But, if you aren't up for it, we'll think of something else."

Thomas sighed but shook his head. "It's fine. I just don't want you guys to be uncomfortable."

"We'll be fine," Lydia assured him. "Thanks for offering, Thomas."

"Actually Newt-" Malia started before Minho cut her off with an elbow to the ribs. She retaliated with a shove much harder but he decided to leave it at that. Otherwise, they'd get into another fist fight and he was trying to be nice.

"Well, now that that's sorted out," John said, leaning back. "We have to pack and be ready to go by tomorrow. What do the rest of you want to do?"

"Lunch," Minho immediately answered.

"Didn't you just eat?" Paul asked, confused.

Newt laughed. "Clearly you don't know Minho. He's like a bottomless pit sometimes."

"You know I can hear you," Minho said, crossing his arms.

"I know," Newt replied with a smirk. "That's why we're going to get lunch."

He grinned. "Great."

"So lunch it is," Paul decided. He looked around the room, eying the mess. "After we finish packing, that is."

DoublesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora