Chapter Twenty Four

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   Stiles shot up in bed to see Lydia hovering over him. Normally, it would take him a few seconds to shake off the nightmare he had and focus on reality, but this time, he didn't have a nightmare at all. They were finally going away.

   "Hey, Lydia," Stiles said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Everything okay?"

   "It happened," Lydia stated. "The next dream, it happened to Newt."

   "Wait, really?" Stiles asked, immediately awake. "How do you know? Was it the banshee thing?"

   "You know he could have just texted me," she countered."It's not always the banshee thing."

   "But did he actually text you?"

   Lydia sighed. "No. It was my banshee thing."

   See, the funny thing is neither Stiles nor Lydia knew how it worked. Lydia just has random feelings every now and then that feel different than normal feelings (whatever that means. It's just what Lydia tells him). The different feelings have always been. Always.

   "We have to go see Newt and the others," Stiles said, swinging his legs out of bed and throwing a pillow at Scott. "Getup, Scotty boy!"

   "I'm up, I'm up," Scott said, sitting up and blinking the sleep away. "And don't call me Scotty boy. What happened?"

   "We have to talk," Lydia answered. "I'll get Malia in here."

   Once the girls came back, they recapped Scott and Malia on what was going on.

   Scott let out a long breath. "I knew it was going to be Newt," he stated, sounding slightly ashamed.

   "What?" Malia asked incredulously. "How?"

   "There was a guy at the beach," Scott answered, looking up at them. "He was Newt's double. I didn't think he was one of them at first though. I mean, he had slick brown hair and I was expecting his double to be blonde. That part looked completely different, but he had the same build as Newt. Now that I know he just had the dream, I know that was our guy.."

   "And you didn't think to mention anything to any of us?"Lydia accused.

   "I thought we were going to wait for the dreams," he replied, though he still sounded guilty. "I'm sorry guys. This is all my fault. How are we going to find him now?"

   "Don't worry too much," Stiles assured his friend. "If Thomas and I were fated to find each other, so are Newt and his double. We'll find him soon."

   "Yeah," Malia agreed. "But in order to do that, we need to get to Newt first."


By the time Stiles and the others met Newt at his house, Thomas and Minho were already there.

   "Hey, Newt," Stiles said, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch across from him. "You okay?" He was worried how much worse the double's dreams might have been. After having Thomas' dreams, he knew they could get pretty bad.

   "I'm good," Newt answered. "I did have a dream but it wasn't a nightmare. It was actually relatively normal, like something that could happen in real life."

   Lydia nodded. "I had a feeling it was something like that."

   Thomas gave her a confused look but Newt and Minho seemed to understand. Unfortunately for Thomas, nobody took the time to explain. Stiles almost laughed at his expression. Unfortunately, there wasn't time to help his double.

   "Actually," Scott said, leaning forward and rubbing his hands together. A nervous habit. "I have something to tell you guys."

   He explained everything about seeing Newt's double at the beach.

   " You probably should've said something," Minho said with a shrug. "But we can't help that now. How do we find him?"

   "I can help," Newt answered. "This dream ended in the middle of the story. My double probably continued it, just without anything making him."

   He went on to explain the dream he'd just had, starting from the beginning to the unsatisfying finish.

   "Great," Minho said sarcastically. "But that still doesn't tell us how we're going to find it."

   "Him," Malia corrected. "Newt's double is a boy. Obviously."

   Minho scoffed. "I was just saying-"

   Before they could start fighting again, a girl (Newt's sister, by the looks of it) walked in and cut them off.

   "Hey, Newt, she started. "Are you-" She stopped when she saw all the people in the room. Then her eyes got wide when she saw Stiles. The girl looked back and forth between him and Thomas,mouth agape.

   Newt sighed. "It's not that strange, Sonya," he said."We found Tommy's doppelgänger, is all. Bloody amazing, isn't it?"

   "Are you sure you're an only child," Sonya asked, looking at Thomas. "Or do you have a long lost twin?"

   Thomas laughed. "I'm an only child. Don't worry, it's creepy to us too."

   "There's literally no difference," she muttered shaking her head and Stiles had to snicker. If only she knew the truth. In reality, they were even closer than twins. They were reincarnations of each other.

   "So did you have something to say?" Minho asked."Because we were kind of talking about something important."

   "Oh right," Sonya said, snapping out of her daze. She turned to her brother. "Newt, there's this new band in town, The Quarrymen, and they are preforming tonight. Aris and Harriet are going but Gran said I can only go with them if you come too."

   "A band?" Stiles asked, sharing a glance with the others. They clearly had the same thought he was having. It had to be connected to the double.

   "Is one of the members about my height?" Newt asked, turning back to his sister. "Dark hair? Does he play bass?"

   "Woah," Sonya said, clearly confused at his burst of questions. "Yeah, the bass player has dark hair but I don't know how tall he is. Harriet is the biggest fan, you should ask her. But can you come or not?"

   Newt shared a look with everyone else and Stiles could tell they were all in agreement.

   "As a matter of fact, we are all going to come."

DoublesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon