Chapter Fifteen

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"So you think all of us were born again?" Lydia asked slowly after Minho finished explaining. "Or is it only you guys?" She gestured to Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Stiles.

   "I think it's just us," Minho answered then paused. "No, I know so. That's what Thomas and Stiles are, reincarnations of the original Not-Thomas."

   Thomas didn't know what to think about that. He was just a reincarnation? The only reason he had those terrible dreams is because of one of his past lives? He had actually lived in his dream at some point? It was too much to wrap his head around.

   "Wait," Newt said. "I still don't understand. Minho, you said you and I were there too. Why don't we have any reincarnations then? Why is it just Tommy and Stiles?"

   Minho shrugged and Thomas rolled his eyes. Even he knew why it was just himself and Stiles. He thought it was obvious.

   "It's the dreams," Thomas explained. "That's what draws all of us together. All the doubles anyway. Me and Stiles both had dreams, I'm guessing the reincarnations you saw of all of us are also around somewhere and they had dreams like us as well. We just haven't found them yet."

   Everyone took a moment to ponder over this before Scott spoke up.

   "There's one thing I don't understand," he said. He turned to Minho. "Why did the ice bath work for you? Why not for Stiles or Thomas?"

   "I don't know," Minho answered. He turned to Lydia with a questioningly look. Thomas looked over at her as well. She always seemed to have the answers.

   "I don't know either," Lydia said when she realized everyone was looking at her for an explanation. "This banshee thing is random, remember?"

   "But do you have any clue why Minho is different?" Stiles asked. "I mean, banshee aside, you're probably the smartest one here."

   Lydia sighed, rolling her eyes at the compliment. "I'm just speculating," she started. "But maybe-"

"Maybe it's because he's extra stupid," Malia interrupted with a shrug. "The fates had to make it up to him somehow."

"Malia," Thomas said, shooting her an annoyed look. "Please shut up."

Minho gave him an applause.

"You guys are all annoying," Lydia said, glaring at the three of them in turn and Thomas had to admit she looked pretty scary. "I don't know why any of this is happening," she continued. "But as I was saying, maybe it's because of you two." She pointed at Thomas and Newt.

"I don't understand," Newt said, reflecting Thomas' thoughts perfectly.

"There were three originals," she explained. "A 'Newt', 'Minho', and 'Thomas'." She looked at Stiles. "I'm just going to refer to him as Thomas." Stiles nodded in agreement. "We know the real Thomas had the Dreams and Newt was able to control them, but we don't know why." She pointed at Minho. "That's where he fits in. The three of them are obviously important together so it only makes sense that Minho has his own powers of sorts."

"So it's the three of us," Thomas answered, looking at his friends. "We're the reason behind all this. Everything that's been happening all falls back on us." He couldn't believe it. No, he didn't want to believe it. Everything they'd been through was all their fault. None of it would've happened if it hadn't been for them.

"We weren't the ones who started it, Tommy" Newt said, placing a hand on his arm. "But we're going to be the ones who finished it. That's why all the doubles are coming together, to finish this once and for all."

"You really think so?" Thomas asked.

Newt gave him a small smile and nodded. "I may not have magical powers like Lydia, but I know so."

"That's not fair!" Malia exclaimed. "Why is it these three? Just because they are best friends or something? That's ridiculous."

"Sorry, Malia," Minho said, clearly enjoying her jealousy. Thomas had to roll his eyes. "We're just more important, I guess."

"Whatever the reason," Scott said exasperatedly. "It revolves around you three. And from the way me and my friends came here to find you, I'm guessing the other Doubles will do the same."

"They're drawn to us?" Thomas asked. That's kind of scary.

"That's what it seems like," Lydia answered. "You three are your own beacon to them. Whether you realize it or not."

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