Chapter Six

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It started with a dead body.

That's how Thomas knew everything was about to start going horribly wrong.

Thomas and his best friend were out in the woods, looking for the dead body which ended up getting his best friend bitten by a wolf.

No, not just a wolf. A werewolf.

Everything spiraling into disaster after that. There were hunters and an alpha; friends, who ended up being enemies and enemies who ended up being friends; a Kanima disguised as the bully in their school; a banshee, who was the girl Thomas was crushing on; and so many other supernatural things in his town. A druid, Oni, Kitsune, and Thomas used by the Nogitsune.

Thomas saw his friends die as well. So many people he knew, gone, just like that. On and on, the pain never ended.

Then there was more. A Werejaguar who was working with the Berserkers to kill Thomas' best friend; a Werecoyote trying to kill her own daughter; a beta wolf, forced into this life; a deadpool, where somebody was trying to kill the supernatural; mutants, made by the Dread Doctors; and betrayals, which led to Thomas' whole group falling apart.

Even when the gang got back together, one of Thomas' friends had to leave with the skinwalkers. Things never really did go his way.

He knew his luck had finally run out when the Ghost Riders came and they removed Thomas from reality. He ceased to exist until his friends were able to remember who he was and bring him back.

After that, things were mostly okay. Thomas left town for a while to finish school, but his friends were left with something even worse back at home.

The Anuk-ite. The embodiment of fear. It made everybody in town afraid of the supernatural. So afraid that they were willing to kill their friends and family to get rid of them. Thomas' friends were doing everything they can to stop the Anuk-ite while running for their lives.

In the end, they were able to stop it, but the fear never really left. The hunters were still out there, hunting each and every person that was involved with the supernatural.

There was no escaping the life Thomas got caught up with. Everywhere he turned, it felt like he had a gun pointed to his head.

Or the Anuk-ite breathing down his neck.

Because there was no escaping this life.

There was no escaping the fear.



Thomas shot up into a sitting position, breathing heavily. He immediately looked down and realized he was still in his bed, he was okay. It was just a dream.

A really bad dream.


Thomas looked over to see Newt and Minho hovering over him, concern obvious on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Newt asked, putting a hand on his arm.

He took a slow breath before answering. "I think so," he said, glancing down at his shaking hands. "I mean, it was just a dream."

"Must've been one klunky dream," Minho noted. "You were screaming your head off and we couldn't even wake you. What was it even about? Not the maze again, was it?"

Thomas could only remember bits and pieces of the dream. He knew it wasn't the normal dreams he used to have. It was something different. If these new dreams started coming true . . .

He didn't want to think about what that would mean for them.

"Don't worry about it," he said, pushing down his concerns. "What are you guys doing here, anyway?"

"We were going out," Newt told him. "I need to do something normal and wanted to see if you'd come?"

"Yeah, of course," Thomas said, swinging his legs out of bed. "Just give me a minute, would you?"

"Sure," Newt said, standing up. He nudged Minho. "Come on, Minho. We'll wait in the kitchen."

Minho gave Thomas one last concerned glance before following Newt out of his room.

As soon as they closed the door, Thomas let out a long breath.

His whole life had been the exact same dream, over and over again. This was the first time it had been anything else.

Which could be totally normal. Maybe this is what normal people are like, they have nightmares every now and then. Right?

Maybe everything was okay.

At least, Thomas tried to convince himself it was.

Okay let me explain for those of you who haven't seen Teen Wolf. Basically, Thomas just had a dream about everything that happened in Teen Wolf, only he was Stiles. None of the details are important to the story so don't worry if it doesn't make sense. All you need to know is it's a bunch of supernatural stuff. Anyway, feel free to comment or message me if you have more questions :)

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