Chapter Thirty Four

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A few minutes after Newt finished singing, John announced that he and his band had to get to soundcheck. Everybody unanimously decided to go with them so they could properly enjoy the show.

After a squished car ride (or squished for everyone else since Stiles was driving) they arrived and went inside.

It was strange to him, it felt like so long since they had been here, despite the fact that it had only been yesterday. Though, Stiles was used to the feeling since a lot was always going on in his life.

"You guys can come with us to the dressing room," George offered, leading them through the building. "It's slightly cramped but we can make room. This way."

"Thanks," Scott said. He stepped ahead and gestured for everyone behind him to follow and Stiles had to snicker.

His friend was always a leader, whether he needed to be or not. Stiles wondered why Thomas wasn't like that. Maybe because he saw how much trouble he got everyone into in his dreams and decided against leading. Or maybe because Newt was smarter. He would have to ask someday.

"This is weird," Minho said suddenly, falling into pace besides him. "We were here just yesterday but I basically lived a lifetime since then." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah," Stiles said, slightly confused yet honored that Minho chose to talk to him about this rather than Newt or Thomas. "What was that like anyway? You told us what you saw, but not how it felt for you."

"Eh." Minho shrugged. "It was weird but I couldn't feel weirded out for some reason. Which was weird."

Stiles breathed a laugh. "That clears things up. Why aren't you telling Newt or Thomas this, anyway?"

"I dunno," he answered. "You kind of went through the same sorts of things. In your dreams anyway. Thomas and Newt were never in another world, or life, or anything like that. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah." Stiles thought back to the time in his dream when he was trapped inside the Nogitzune or with the Ghost Riders. He knew exactly what Minho was talking about, even if he didn't (exactly) live those things in real life. "I know what you mean."

Minho grunted in acknowledgement before Paul spoke up, cutting off the conversation.

"This is our room," he said, opening the door to a tiny room with only a small couch and chair. "I'll get drinks while you guys make yourselves comfortable. Hope you guys don't mind what I pick."

Everybody gave him their consent as they moved to sit somewhere, most ending up on the floor. They gave the girls the couch and Minho claimed the chair.

After sitting quietly for some time, Malia decides to finally break the silence.

"I don't get it," she started. "Are you guys still called The Quarrymen or did you change it to The Beatles?"

"Um," George said, sharing a look with John. "We haven't really had time to think it over yet."

"Think what over?" Paul asked, walking into the room with a literal armful of drinks.

"Here," Newt said, springing up and walking over. He took a couple drinks from his friend. "I got some."

"Thanks," Paul replied with a relieved smile.

The two started passing out the drinks and Stiles ended up with a soda. It wasn't his preferred flavor, but he wasn't about to complain since Paul bought it.

"Did you get me any type of alcohol?" Minho asked, looking at Paul.

"You get a soda and that's it," Newt answered, handing him a glass of the same drink Stiles got.

Minho pouted but took the drink anyway.

"Wait, what did I get?" Thomas asked, looking at the brown liquid in his drink.

"Chocolate milk," Newt answered. Stiles snorted, earning a light kick in the ribs from Lydia. Thomas didn't seem to notice any of it which was probably a good thing.

"Anyway, what were you guys thinking over?" Paul asked, taking a seat between John and George on the floor. There clearly wasn't enough room, but none of them seemed to mind much.

"About your band," Lydia answered, taking a sip of her lemonade. "Malia was wondering if you guys are The Quarrymen or The Beatles."

"I don't know," Paul started. He looked at his band. "What do you think, boys? Should we wait or let this be our first performance as The Beatles?"

"I'd say change it now," John decided after a moment. "Otherwise, we'll never decide when the right time is."

"I agree," George said, taking a sip of his drink. "Let's change it now."

"All in agreement?" Paul asked once again. Once they nodded, he clinked his glass against theirs and they drank to the renaming of their band.

It's official then. The Beatles are on their path to fame and Stiles doubted anything could stop them now.


After a few more minutes of idle chatter, the band had to soundcheck a few songs and Stiles and his friends got an exclusive performance. At one point, he told Newt that Sonya was probably jealous to which the blonde made the band sign a napkin for his sister.

The best part was, after they'd signed it, Paul said the price was that Newt had to sing with them for one song during soundcheck. He declined at first but, after a chant started by Minho, he gave into peer pressure and climbed on to the stage.

Stiles didn't recognize the song they chose, but Newt did an amazing job at leading it. As soon as he was comfortable with the song, his whole body relaxed and it looked natural for him to be on stage. He could almost see Newt actually joining the band.

After he finished, they all clapped, Minho letting out a sharp whistle which Thomas cringed away from. Newt laughed at that, jumping off stage and thanking his friends.

That's when Stiles realized things were starting to be okay again. Which meant either everything would go wrong soon, or the next double would show up.

Or both.

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