Chapter Thirty One

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Newt paced back and forth, waiting for Paul and his band, to get to Minho's house. Despite the fact that Minho was the one doing all the work, he was still nervous. They needed the band to stay so they can find the rest of the reincarnations. If this didn't work, there would be no hope in achieving that.

He was also curious if they could really add to the dreams. Before he met Paul and saw the way his dreams ended, he never would have considered the prospect. It did make sense for them to want to know the end, even though Newt never would have wanted to personally. But if it would keep the band here, he was willing to do it.

Or make Minho do it.

"It was one time," Minho protested from the couch. He had been complaining practically all morning. "One time that it worked for me. How do we know the ice bath won't work for Newt instead? Or Paul even, since it's his dreams we're trying to find the end to. Let's make him do it instead."

Scott sighed. "Look, if it worked with you last time, it only makes sense to have you try again. Besides, if it doesn't work, we'll try something else."

"Yeah, but then I'll be cold and wet already."

Newt stifled a sigh. "Min," he started, trying to keep the exasperation out of his voice. "We can't just-" Before he had time to finish, the doorbell rang, cutting him off.

"They're here," Lydia said. She walked over to the door and answered it, letting Paul and his friends in.

Newt looked away, not wanting to stare. It was still a shock to his to see his double face to face. Sure, he doesn't look as similar to him as Tommy and Stiles do, but it's still mind blowing to say in the least. It looks just like Newt, only with a brunet wig.

"Hey guys," Paul said, walking over and settling themselves on Minho's couches. "As much as I want to get this done, we have soundcheck in a few hours. Which means this . . . ice bath thing can't take too long or we might have to leave."

"Don't worry," Scott assured him. "We don't have much experience with the ice baths, but it shouldn't take that long. I would average it to take less than an hour."

"Only f you can convince me to get in that freezing water," Minho grumbled and Newt almost smacked him for it. They don't have time for this. Literally. "And what's soundcheck?"

"Something a band does before the show," Newt explained, temporarily forgetting his frustration. "Sonya told me about it."

"Yeah," John agreed. "So let's get this started. I, for one, want to know how Paul's dreams end as soon as possible. Soundcheck or no, I've been dying to know ever since I heard about them."

"Thomas and Malia are getting the bath ready outside," Lydia explained. "They should be back any minute now.

As if summoned by her words, Tommy and Malia came inside, announcing the ice bath was done.

"Everthing is ready," Tommy stated. He frowned when he saw Minho scowling at him. "Uh, I mean, whenever you guys are ready."

"Nope," Minho answered, crossing his arms. "Still not doing it."

Newt rolled his eyes. He had had just about enough of this. He walked over and grabbed his friend by the upper arm, dragging him towards the back door. Thankfully, the complaining stopped with a curt, "I can walk myself" from Minho.

As they were walking towards the backyard, Newt felt a new presence beside him and turned to see Paul. He tried not to recoil just by looking at him.

"Hey, Newt," the musician said. "I have a question."

"Yeah?" Newt asked, glancing over at his double.

"You said your sister talks about bands sometimes, right?" He asked. Once Newt nodded, he continued. "How familiar are you with bands in general? You know, the works of it."

"I don't know," he answered, slightly confused. "I only know as much as my sister tells me. Which is quite a lot, if I'm being honest. I guess I'm pretty familiar with the works of it. Why do you ask?"

Paul's face brightened slightly when he finished talking. "Do you think-"

"OKAY!" Minho's voice rang out, cutting him off. "I'll do it. But each of you owe me five dollars."

"Aren't your parents rich?" Tommy asked, confusion clear on his face. "And you get, like, the biggest allowance too."

"Yes," Minho answers, crossing his arms. "But you don't. This is your punishment for making me do this."

Tommy sighed and started pulling out his wallet, anyway. Once Newt saw the others doing the same, he had no choice but to find five dollars as well. Slinthead.

After Minho got his whole forty five dollars, he took off his shirt and walked over to the bucket full of ice water.

"Do you need me to hold you down?" Newt asked, walking over to his friend. As annoying as he was sometimes, Newt still cared about him more than anything. He wasn't going to let him do it alone if he could help it.

Minho shook his head. "I can do it." He stepped into the water, gritting his teeth to keep them from chattering. Once he sat down, he looked up at Newt again. "But if I'm under too long, pull me out, okay?"

With a curt nod from Newt, his friend plunged underneath the icy water.

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