Chapter Twenty

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Stiles sat slouched on the sand, letting the sun warm his back as he watched the others around him.

A few paces away, Malia was playing frisbee with Tate while Scott watched McCall dig a giant hole in the sand. Near the water, Thomas, Minho, and Newt were still together (they really were inseparable, those three), doing something in the sand now. It looked like they were trying to build a sandcastle but Thomas knocked it over. That would explain why Minho was yelling and Newt held Thomas down, throwing sand into his face.

In spite of that, Thomas still seemed to be laughing. Stiles smiled at that. The kid definitely needed a break after all he'd been through. Stiles knew that because he needed a break too. They had all been through a lot and needed a break. He just hoped finding the reincarnations wouldn't be too hard on Thomas and his friends. It seemed like they had the most pressure here.

"What's on your mind?" Lydia asked suddenly. She was laying on a towel next to him, reading a book. Even when she spoke to him, her eyes didn't leave the pages.

"How do you know I'm not just enjoying the beach?" Stiles asked. "Another psychic thing?"

Lydia smiled, still not looking up. "You're quiet," she answered. "You're never quiet. Anybody who knows you would know that means you're thinking."

Stiles smiled. Lydia knows him so well, despite the fact that they are only friends in real life, nothing more.

In the dreams, he ended up dating Lydia, after dating Malia. Sure, in real life he had a crush on both of them at some point but in the end, he valued their friendship more than anything. Thankfully, they felt the same and Lydia was able to keep him from ever dating either of them.

Stiles didn't want any of that awkwardness in the group. He thought it would be weird to hang out with his girlfriend and ex girlfriend at the same time. Even if Dream Stiles never felt awkward about it, real Stiles did and wasn't going to let the dreams control him. Not in that aspect, anyway.

"I'm just glad we're all here," Stiles answered at last. "Getting a break after everything. Even Thomas and the others. They deserve it."

"We deserve it too," Lydia replied, finally putting her book down and sitting up. "But that's not all you're thinking about."

"I'm also wondering how we're supposed to find the other reincarnations," he answered without bothering to deny it. "And if we should even try."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, giving him a confused look.

"Think of it this way," Stiles started, gesturing with his hands. "Before Thomas and I met, we both had dreams about each other's dreams, right? So before we can find the other reincarnations, I think one of us." He pointed to himself then gestured to Thomas, Newt, and Minho. "Will have a dream about it."

"But you and Newt met before you had the dreams," Lydia countered. Hmm. That was a good point, Stiles hadn't considered that yet.

But he just shrugged. "That was a coincidence. We wouldn't even know where to start looking anyway, Lydia. It's better to wait for the dreams."

Lydia nodded slowly. Then she stood. "Newt!" She called, cupping her hands around here mouth. "Minho! Come here!"

The two looked at each other before jogging over, Thomas close behind even though he wasn't called. Stiles had to smile. They really were inseparable.

"What's up?" Minho asked, and Stiles noticed they were all completely covered in sand. He grinned but kept quiet.

"You and Newt need to take a nap," Lydia answered.

Thomas snorted and Newt rolled his eyes.

"What, are you our mum?" He asked.

"We think it'll help us find the other reincarnations," she explained calmly, ignoring the comment. "You know, the other doubles."

Newt and Minho looked at each other and Minho shrugged.

"You could use a tan anyway," he said, nudging Newt in the ribs.

Newt replied by punching him in the arm before spreading out a towel and laying down. "Normally, I would say no," he said. "But after somebody ruined our sandcastle, I am kind of tired."

Minho scoffed, going to lay down as Thomas tried defending himself.

"It's not my fault!" He protested. "That seaweed looked just like a crab. You would've freaked out too if you saw it."

"We did see it," Minho said, closing his eyes. "It did not look like a crab, Thomas."

Thomas sighed. Then Newt reached up, grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the towel next to him.

"You're sleeping too," Newt explained. "I don't trust you not to do anything to us while we're knocked out."

Thomas sighed but closed his eyes anyway. "Fine." He adjusted to get comfortable.

Stiles grinned, sharing a look with Lydia. He knew they both had the same idea, no psychic powers involved.

Thomas couldn't do anything if he was asleep. But the rest of them could.

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