Chapter Five

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Newt desperately needed to do something normal after seeing Stiles. It had been a strange couple of months and this clone finally tipped him over the edge. He had to do something normal. Or more specifically, something with his best friends.

He went over to Minho's house first, since he was closer. He told his friend that he needed to do something normal then Minho offered heading to the ice cream parlor. Newt eagerly agreed then the two set off to Tommy's place to see if he'd go along.

They walked in silence, which Newt was internally grateful for. Somehow, Minho always knew when he didn't feel like talking and when to give him space.

But he also knew when Newt had to talk, even if the blonde didn't want to. That was one of the things Newt liked best about him. Minho always had his best interests in mind.

After turning into a crank, nearly dying, and seeing a doppelgänger of his best friend, Newt was really feeling out of it. Having one of his best friends by his side was sure to help that.

"So," Minho started after a few more moments of silence. "I'm not going to offer any comforting words because there's really nothing to say—"

"Thanks," Newt said flatly, rolling his eyes.

"I wasn't done," he replied. "I was just going to say stop worrying about the Thomas 2 thing."

Newt sighed. "But Min . . ." He wasn't even sure of what he wanted to say.

"I'm serious," Minho told him. "There's nothing we can do about the clone so quit stressing over it. Like Thomas said, we'll worry about it if and when we need to. Let's just forget about it and, I don't know, appreciate nature or something."

Newt raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Come on, Newt," he tried, nudging him. "Turn that frown upside down." He stared at Newt's blank expression for a second. "Or I will."

"Please donMINHO!"

Minho grabbed him at the knees, swinging him over his shoulder so Newt was hanging upside down across his back.

"Put me down!" He demanded, kicking and squirming but his friend held tight.

"Not until you smile," Minho replied and Newt could hear the smirk in his voice. He held tight and kept walking.

"You can't even see me!"

"Guess I'll have to hold you forever."

"I hate you."

"Love you too," Minho replied and Newt couldn't help but chuckle. Minho and his bloody stupid sense of humor . . .

Suddenly, Newt was swung over again and gently placed on the floor of Thomas' porch.

"That's better," Minho said with a smirk.

Newt rolled his eyes but he couldn't deny the smile on his face. Apparently, his friend always knew what to do to make him feel better, no matter how stupid it was.

"Whatever," Newt replied, not wanting to admit he was right. "Let's just get Tommy and be off then."

Minho nodded and they walked inside, not bothering to knock. Thomas' mum, Mrs. Murphy was used to the two coming over all the time so she didn't bother locking the door anymore. It was greatly appreciated.

After the two said hello to Mrs. Murphy in the kitchen, they went down the hall to Thomas' room.

"Hey, Tommy," Newt said as he opened the door. "Minho and I were thinking we could . . ."

He let his words fade out. Tommy was asleep on his bed, his face set in a grimace and his forehead beaded with sweat.

Newt shared a quick glance with Minho and knew they were both thinking the same thing. Nightmare.

"Thomas," Minho said, rushing over to their friend. "Thomas, hey. Wake up."

"Tommy, come on," Newt tried, shaking his friend but to no avail. "It's just a dream. Wake up!"

But Tommy didn't wake, no matter what they tried. He just laid there, squirming and muttering, but he still didn't wake.

Then, out of nowhere, he started yelling, screaming for something to stop. Something was hurting him and Newt couldn't even stop it.

But he had to try. He had to get his Tommy out of whatever was torturing him in his head.

"Tommy!" Newt yelled desperately, shaking his friend as hard as he could. "Tommy, please. WAKE UP!"

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