I smile. "Of course! I'm hella gay," I admit.

Zoe sighs in relief. "Well that's good. Wait... OMG DO YOU LIKE EVAN?!" she squeals.

I cast my eyes downwards. If only he liked me back.

Zoe pats my shoulder awkwardly. "Um, it's.... You have a chance. Just... Show some signs you like him?"

Like that would work. I shrug.

Zoe then checks her phone and heads out the door. "I have to go! It's like, 10 already! Bye!"

I wave my hand bye and flop onto my bed.

Now what?

I watch a few YouTube™ videos and the next thing you know, it's already 2am.

I decide to sleep and put my phone away.

*skip like..4 months because I'm lazy, so now it's... Um... Early January*

Nothing really happened the last 4 months. According to the doctors, I'll be out in a month or so, because my ribs were healing faster than they thought. Evan kept visiting each day, bringing Jared with him.

Larry and Mom would come over three times a week and chat with me. Zoe would come with then as well.

My teachers also visited, and they gave me homework to do, and basically  taught me what the class would learn that week. So I pretty much was caught up.

But lately, Evan hasn't visited at all in the past month. He disappeared right before Christmas. I don't know what happened to him. I don't remember doing anything wrong. When I asked Zoe, she would tell me that she saw him at school, but didn't know why he didn't visit.

I have that feeling that he's avoiding me.

I thought we had become pretty good friends, but all of a sudden, he just vanishes. These days were really boring without him. And stupidly, I still haven't gotten over my feelings for him. I try, but I can't.

I gaze out the window. Same view as ever. A small field with bare trees scattered across it. Evergreen trees were in the distance, the sun risen 3 hours ago. You could say it was a scenaric view, but to me, it is dull and lifeless.

I sigh.

When would Evan visit? Would he ever visit me again?

I try to remember what we talked about the last time he visited, but everything's a blur.

I roll over to the other side of my bed, facing the entrance. Soon, my eyelids felt heavy and started to close.

*time skip like... 4 hours brought to you by the wii theme song*

Evan's POV
I know I haven't visited Connor in ages. I was overwhelmed with school, and other things. I've gotten closer to Zoe, but she's inching closer to my friend zone each week that passes by.

I'm walking through a hallway to go to lunch when I hear someone in the hallway mentions the name Connor. My heart flutters and heat rises to my cheeks.

Spruce, I've really got it bad.

Jared slams his hands into my shoulders from behind, resulting in me jumping 3 feet in the air.

"Oh wow Evan," Jared laughs, "You're super jumpy today!"

"Just... just nervous, I guess," I stammer, flashing a small smile.

"Well you're always nervous," he commented, "but you're like... Super nervous today."

I pick at my nails. "Yeah... I.. I know."

Jared sighs. "Look, dude, this isn't good for you."

I glance at him. "What?"

Jared shakes his head slowly. "This." He gestures to our surroundings.

"But... I've gone to school almost everyday."

"No no, not school. Not visiting Connor."

My heart skipped a beat, thumping against the walls. "Wait, why?"

"You've been a lot less relaxed ever since you stopped," Jared notes, "Did something happen last time?"

I recall the last time I visited and shake my head. "No, nothing bad."

"Then visit him today," he suggests. "He's probably been looking forward to seeing you again."

I blush, but guilt wipes it away.

How could I not have considered his feelings? He must've been confused to why I suddenly stopped visiting. I'm so, so sorry, Connor.

"Hey, we have lunch and another class after this, and then you can visit your boyfriend," Jared informs.

"Jared!" I blush furiously. "H-He's not-!"

"- but you want him to be," he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

I feel myself sink from embarrassment. "I-I..uh..."

Jared's eyes light up. "AHA! I knew it!! Illuminati confirmed!"

"That's so old," I groan.

"Like spaghetti, that thing with never die and I will never forgetti!" Announced Jared.

I cringed, eating my sandwich.

"So, still up for visiting your future boyfriend?" asks Jared.

I nod, swallowing my bite. "Yeah."

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
1226 words! Thank you guys so much!!! I love you all!!

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