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~ Dallas

"Justyn I'm so sorry." I told him for the tenth time as we pulled up to his house.

"You just hope I don't tell Justin or the twins and you better pray I don't tell De'Anthony." He told me then got out the car slamming the door.

I fucked up real bad this time. I have never in my life cheated or even considered being unfaithful to Laya. I love her, I swear I do. I just started thinking too much and everything in my head got mixed up. I should've never listened to Justyn or hired that Detective. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for them.

I pulled off and drove off to my house. It felt like my heart was about to burst because how fast it was beating. I pulled into the drive way next to Laya and got out walking to the door. I stayed still breathing slowly to try and slow my heart rate down but it wasn't working.

Fuck it. It's now or never, if she beats your ass when you tell her just curl up in fetal position and take that shit.

I nodded my head to myself and unlocked the door opening it. I walked in shutting the door and was making my way toward the living room before I got tackled to the ground.

"This is all your fault!" Austin yelled.

"What? How? Who? Did Justyn tell you? Dude I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean it." I tell him quickly.

"How do you not mean to impregnate three more demon children! Three Dallas! I can't live like this! God hates me, he took my girlfriend. The first white girl with a stripper name and black girl body. Do you know how hard that is to find Dallas?!"

I shook my head quickly trying to figure out what he was talking about. I couldn't have got that bartender pregnant.

Oh my God! She swallowed!

Wait nevermind she'll just digest that.

"And now he's brought three more kids to torture me along with their demon leader big sister. I'm going to kill myself. If you would like to come and pick up my body later I'll be at the Banana N' Donut strip club."

He got off me walking out the house and slamming the door. I got up walking to the kitchen. Laya was sitting down eating pickles and Sherbert Ice Cream.

I stood there just looking at her. God she was beautiful. This guilt is. . . it like burns or something. I know I have to tell her but I also really don't feel like going to the hospital today.

I walked in sitting across from her. She looked up at me then dipped her pickle into her ice cream and continued eating.

"Baby that's not really healthy." I tell her making a face. "I can go get you some food."

"Victoria, you know the child I've forced you to take care of that I wasn't even aware of by the way , she's going to be a sister to three more kids." She says.

I looked at her confused as she looked at me blankly.

"I'm having triplets dumb ass."

I felt my eyes get wide as my eyes quickly went down to her stomach.

"We're having triplets."

"Oh no sweetheart." She laughs. "I'm having triplets with the Detective. Them and my daughter don't belong to you remember. The daughter you never told me about and the three kids conceived out of infidelity."

"Laya I'm so sorry. I don't even remember saying that. When I left I went to the bar and got drunk. The last thing I remember is walking out." I lie.

I can't tell her I cheated now. She's pregnant with three kids. I have to keep her calm. I can't let her stress and end up risking three lives.

She looked at me for awhile then rolled her eyes getting up.

"Where are you going?" I panic.

"To get my daughter and I know your lying, When you lie you sweat from your forehead and your nasty ass is getting it on my table."

"Baby she doesn't have to be picked up for another two hours." I say following her.

"I'd rather wait for her than be stuck here with you."

She walked passed me but I grabbed her arm holding her between me and the wall.

"Baby I am so sorry. I swear I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you too much to mess up what we have. I'm sorry for everything I've said and d-done. I love you okay? Please forgive me."

"Feed me and I'll consider."

I smile at her and lean down gripping her thighs and wrapping them around my waist. I kissed her licking her bottom lip as she opened her mouth letting my tongue in.

I walked down the hall to the stairs still holding her as we continued kissing. I walked up pulling her sandals off letting them drop on the staircase.

I continued down the hall to our room and layed her down on the bed.

"Let me make it up to you first and start by feeding myself."






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