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"Giooo! Stop." I laughed.

"What? You don't like my kisses anymore?" He whispered against my lips.

"I do. I always have but you have stuff to do."

"I wanna do you."

He picked me up sitting me down on his desk. His hands went up my shirt while his tongue grazed the inside of mouth. I clung to him as we kissed like ravish dogs. I pulled his shirt off running my tongue across his chocolate skin. He pushed me back grabbing my waist-

"Mr. Ricardio- Oh! I am so sorry."

Gio groaned putting his shirt back on.

"What is it Leo? I told you to knock before you enter my office." He growled.

"Yes sir. Uh Mr. Ryan is here. He would like to see you and Miss Diamond."

Leo walked out and Gio helped me down and took my hand walking out his office into the restaurant. There was a couple standing with their backs to us until Gio cleared his throat. They turned around and I froze.

"Blake! How are you? And Clem you look beautiful as always." Gio spoke.

"Thank you Giovanni." Clem told him.

"I'm good Gio. And who is this?" Blake glared at me.

"My fiancé Diamond."

"Holy shit!" Clem mumbled. "Uh Gio can you show me how you make your creme brûlée again."

"Of course."

Gio gave me a kiss and took Clem's hand going into the kitchen. Once they disappeared Blake yanked my arm dragging me outside.

"Oooh! I should snitch. I really should. We been busting our asses looking for you and you up in Europe chilling with rich big British black dudes like its a brand new hobby. What the hell Diamond?!"

"I'm sorry okay. I didn't think anyone would find me. When everyone went to the police station to contact their relatives I decided not to go. I didn't wanna go back to the life I had. I wasn't happy. Eventually I'll come back, just not right now."

"Iight. Be selfish. That just mean me and Clem can stop looking for yo ungrateful ass. Shit boring anyways. Gone get married at eighteen to a thirty year old. Mmh. You should be ashamed. I'm so through with you. Don't worry. Imma be quiet. Go eat my pasta then go fuck my wife then go back home to Texas to a sad Ahalieia, lonely and depressed Austin, and fighting parents that are yours by the way. Goodbye!"

Blake stomped off inside to his table while I sat there dumbfounded. I wasn't trying to be selfish. I just wanted to start off fresh. No one really believed I was dead did they?

I panicked grabbing my phone walking to the back parking lot and calling the only person who knew all my secrets.

"Hello." She answered.

"I need to talk to you." I spoke.

"Hey Momma."

"He must be there. Go somewhere so we can talk."

"Ok mom one second."

I heard her pull away from the phone and whisper something to him. Followed by a door closing and another opening and shutting.

"Diamond I told you about just calling me out of the blue, you suppose to text me first. What if Dee would've heard you?"

"I know Ashley I'm sorry, I just saw Blake."

"Aww they're on their honeymoon! Their wedding was so nice but you wouldn't know because well you weren't there because you decide to start a new life. Bravo."

"Look I don't need anymore scolding for the day okay. Now you, Blake, and Clem know I'm hiding out in Europe. This is too much."

"Then bring your ass home. It's been three years Diamond."

"I'm not ready yet okay."

"Whatever bye Diamond."

Before I could protest I heard the line go flat making me yell in frustration. Know one understood how I felt. They don't know what I've been through. I can't go back.

I walked back in going to Gio's office grabbing my keys when he walked in.

"Baby where you going?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Pick up Marissa and start on dinner."

"Okay call me as soon as you and Marissa get home."

"I will."

He licked my bottom lip and gave me a kiss. I pulled away leaving and getting in my Benz driving to Rissa's school. I parked watching all the kids file out and her run up to the car and get in.

"Hi mommy." She spoke softly and leaned over giving me a kiss.

Marissa was soft spoken. She didn't talk much. She was proper and minded hers. I raised her just how I wanted her. She was my perfect little angel but God did she look just like her daddy.

"Hi Monkey, how was daycare?" I asked.


I pulled off driving to our house. I pulled up parking and got out with Marissa going in the house. She ran straight up stairs. She hated being dirty. I knew she was going to take a bath. She was bright for three.

I went in the kitchen making pot roast when Marissa finally came down stairs after an hour.

"You hungry baby?" I asked.

"Yes, can I see Daddy?"

"He's at work baby."

"Not Dad, Daddy."

I knew what she was talking about. I nodded going upstairs to my room and in the dresser on my side of the bed. I pulled out a recent picture of Austin Ashely sent me and went back downstairs. Marissa was in the living room watching the history channel. I handed her the picture watching her face light up.

"Soon?" She asked.


She stuck her thumb in her mouth laying down keeping the picture close to her heart as she focused on the tv.

Everyday looking at her made me rethink my engagement. How can you marry someone you love when your still in love with your one true love.

Boring I know. It'll get good. Anyways, Diamond, Gio, Austin, and Marissa

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